The terrible voice did not stop until another one sounded. “Hey, Okuri, check this out!”
“Kiba, I told you not to get distracted!”
“But look at all this sake! How could I possibly ignore it?”
At the word ‘sake’, Daichi’s face turned to a panicked expression.
“Well, there is a lot of it……and it’s definitely not the cheap stuff.”
“Oh, no, you can’t buy sake this good on the BLACK market for crying out loud!”
“Hmmm……perhaps we should postpone my discussion with Masanori until tomorrow, and spend tonight bootlegging this sake to our cave. YOU HEAR THAT MASANORI? I’M GIVING YOU ANOTHER DAY TO FIX THESE BLOODY CEILINGS!!! THEY’RE STILL TOO LOW!!”
“Hey, look at this….”
And then all went silent for those in the dining chamber.