Tales of Okuri Tale 2 of 7 Beauty and the Beasts

As the sun set, Inuko began to stir again. Still sleepy, she looked around. Seeing the clock, her eyes widened. She had slept the full 6 hours of sunlight! Panicking, she scrambled to put her dress on. “Maiko! Aya! Jun!” she cried. “Help me out, or I’m going to be late!”

Kiba lay on the floor of the cave, only half awake. It felt good to have his armor off, but getting it off had proved a bit more difficult than he thought it would. Glancing towards the entrance of the cave, he estimated he still had an hour or so before he had to meet Inuko. He laid his head back, and in his mind, went over everything he was planning to say.

A young soldier of the Emperor ran through the valley. He had been tasked to evaluate the land surrounding the Shogun’s planned fortress. He would complete this task, for the Emperor had assigned it to him, and the Emperor could never be let down. He only slowed down to investigate a clump of black and white at the base of a massive pine tree. From a distance, it appeared to be nothing more than a sleeping traveler, but as the young soldier came closer, he observed this was no ordinary man. The white hair, the 7 tails, the ears, the red marks on his face; he had to be the one they called ‘Okuri Okami’. The soldier looked around nervously; how far could his brothers be?

Suddenly, the sleeping face of Okuri turned into a vicious snarling visage. His yellow eyes opened and focused on the frightened soldier. His right arm thrust forward, grabbing the soldier’s throat. He began to chuckle. “Stupid boy.” He stood up pulled his face in closer. “Didn’t you see the warning signs? No one is allowed on my territory unless they’re invited…..and you’re not on the guest list!”

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The soldier failed, and died doing so. Okuri went on his way home.

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