The nine Mist trudged through the sewers, with only the light from their leader’s candle to lead them. “Not much further now.” She whispered.
“How much damage we gonna cause? I wanna get at least 50 victims for each finger he took!”
“Don’t worry. When we infect the water supply, the casualties will be ranging in the thousands!”
“We will have our revenge on that little dog!”
They all laughed hideously as they turned the corner. Their convulsions stopped when they heard the portcullis slide shut behind them. They turned to face the closed grid of metal preventing their retreat. “No problem. We can come out a different way then we planned.” The leader chided.
“This couldn’t have happened on its own. Someone is down here with us!”
“We have to get out now!”
“SILENCE! I will not have us fall apart now!” The leader screeched. She turned around— and Okuri snatched the candle from her hands.
The Mist recoiled in horror. The pair with the broken jaws started to thrash on the grid, praying it would give way. The twins grasped each other. The leader broke out in a cold sweat and began to shake.
“It’s like I said. It’s never going to end until we all die.” He said, holding the candle to his face. “Or more appropriately, it’s never going to end until you die.” He blew out the candle.
The sound of heads being severed ended several screams. There were 9 of them – all quite brief.
In Okuri’s head the wolf broke free of its chains. Only one remained. The one chain connecting Okuri to the back of his throat.
Somewhere far off, in the mind of a very young Naruto, Kyuubi stirred.
Yes. It was Okami. Someone had managed to drag him back to the main continent. The old kitsune chuckled. No doubt that Okami intended to leave as soon as he could for his northern homelands. No, Okami was of no concern. No threat. His jiinchuriki would rule supreme after he had left. Kyuubi returned to the task of subtly warping Naruto’s mind….or at least trying to. The seal of the 4th Hokage prevented him from getting close. Currently, he was testing to see if he could even effect his mind at all by trying to eat something other than ramen for breakfast, lunch and dinner. So far, it wasn’t working.
Okami shook his head, finally free of the chains. Yes, free at last!
“You’re keeping your side of the bargain, I presume?”
He turned back to the little human pup. He snorted. “Of course I will. Now go back to your house and sleep. Tomorrow, act no different than usual. This is our secret to keep.”
“You will provide me power?”
“Of course. Now go home.”
Okuri dissipated, returning to the physical realm.
Okami laughed. Oh, yes, he would give him power. Power beyond his recognition. And by the end of it, he’d never be recognizable as human.