“Danielle?” He could hear scribbling in the far back (or was it just the sound of something trying to get in?) and walked towards the sound cautiously, stopping only when he saw his wife, who was wearing a pair of reading glasses, a hoodie and jeans with her dark brown hair tied into a messy bun on top of her head.
She didn’t answer him when he entered, and he didn’t expect her to; she was doing paperwork (ugh, paperwork was everywhere!), just as everyone else was. The Titan sped through certain documents- though she lingered a little too long on others- though after a few minutes of watching her in silence, Soshi was not at all surprised when she screamed and tossed everything into the air. “I HATE MY JOB!” She cried in English, as she usually did when they were alone. “I HATE IT! I want a scribe! I should hire a bloody scribe to deal with all of this work instead of letting it eat me alive…” Her head hit the desk and she sobbed rather loudly, though her husband noticed no tears were streaming down her face.
Soshi began snatching the documents out of the air before setting them back on her desk in a pile. “Calm down, love.”
“I CANNOT!” She cried. “I must finish this before we head back!”
“We head back in more than a week.” Soshi reminded her. “Calm down.”
“But aaah~!” She cried, for he had suddenly picked her up from her chair and thrown her over his shoulder. “Put me down! I am not in the mood for this!”
“It’s three o’clock in the afternoon on New Year’s Eve, Danielle.” He said, gently tossing her onto the couch before he leveled his eyes with her face.
“Oh…I almost forgot.” She muttered, her eyes glazing over. “We’re going to a party tonight, aren’t we?”
With a curt nod, Soshi casually slid on top of her, propping himself up on his elbow on the couch. “Do you have everything?”
“Everything? You mean my dress and the like? But I haven’t the slightest idea of what you would like more, the long one or the short one.” She said, still muttering.
“Long.” He answered immediately.
“Huh?” Danielle finally looked at him, her reading glasses sliding down her nose. “But I thought you liked my legs.”
“I do, but I don’t want anyone else to see them.” He told her nonchalantly. “And I enjoy your hips more.” Soshi muttered.
“Well! I guess my dress won’t be a surprise at all.”
“I probably bought it.”
“You didn’t!” She cried, shoving him onto the floor, which made him smile. Standing to her full height of 5’11, she pointed to him before she said, “You will be surprised and happy when you see me in my dress, mind you! Surprised!”
“Yeah, yeah.” He chuckled, grinning at her. “Do you feel better now?”
“Hah!” She said triumphantly, whipping off her glasses. “Better? I’m great, actually!” The sound of a stomach growling violently echoed through the living room, and she covered her face. “…but I may be more than a mite hungry.”
He laughed. “Join me for a late lunch, then?”
Danielle grinned a little coyly as she batted her eyelashes at him. “I don’t have anyone else I would fancy spending lunch with.”
Isshin and Chihiro Amori sat at their dining room table, sitting across from each other, unmoving as seconds- which steadily became minutes- passed.
Isshin’s eyes twitched at their corners before (in slow motion) his eyelids fluttered for the fraction of a second.
“Aha!” Chihiro cried triumphantly. “I win!” She leaped up from the table and daintily danced around. “Yes! I get to drink when we go out tonight!”
Her husband covered his face. “That was hardly fair. You tricked me, you know.”
“I didn’t trick you!” She pouted. “I used strategic advantage!” They were both referring to the fact that Isshin’s allergies had been acting up as of late, so he pinched his nose a bit in irritation.
“You tricked me by using that face…” He murmured, a little displeased by the outcome of the situation. “Sweet, I don’t like you when you drink. Just because you can doesn’t mean you must.”
Chihiro placed her hands on her hips. “I won’t drink too much. I just want to have a little fun.” She gave him a smile. “And you’ll be there, won’t you? It’s our first New Year’s since we’ve gotten married, isn’t it?”
A soft smile graced his features. “Yes, it is.” His smile wavered a bit. “But are you sure we should go out? Wouldn’t it be better to spend it…alone?”
“But Hime and Soshi will be there!” She said, waving her arms. “I want to take some pictures of them.”
“So you’re paparazzi now?” He said, raising a brow at her.
Chihiro shrugged a bit. “Maybe a little.” She closed her eyes for a moment. “I really just want to take lots of cute pictures.” She admitted, opening an eye to look at him. “Is that bad?”
He had been admiring her the entire time, so he smiled a bit, resting his cheek against his knuckles with his elbow propped up on the table. “No, it isn’t.” He had mixed feelings, though. In some ways he was sincerely worried that Chihiro cared more for Hime than she did him…
“You look sad.” The brunette pressed the palm of her hand to his cheek. “What’s wrong?”
His fingers slowly took hold of hers, his hands nearly covering hers as they rested on his cheek. “I’m…not.” It was almost unnerving; he couldn’t hide any of his feelings from her, could he? Onyx irises flickered to the clock. “It’s five already?” Genuinely surprised, he rubbed her hand before leaning forward to press a kiss to her lips. “I haven’t taken a shower or done anything yet.”
“It’s only five, honey.” Chihiro giggled. “You’re so silly sometimes.”
“Mm…silly.” He muttered absentmindedly.