Dee suddenly stood up straight, then she walked to the back of the ice cream shop. She took her place behind the counter once more, took a deep breath, and then placed a bag on the counter. “I’m sorry for the wait. Here’s your Dilly Bar. That will be $2.87.”
“I ain’t paying for this.”
The room suddenly became so silent one could hear an eyelash hit the ground. “…Excuse me?”
“I ain’t paying for this.” The woman repeated, and with that, she started out.
“Ma’am…” The woman showed no sign of stopping, so Dee hopped over the counter and blocked the door. “I can give you an EXTRA Dilly Bar, but you have to pay for your first-“
“Get outta my way!” Why wasn’t anyone moving?
“I can’t let-“
A few eyes widened and the room stood still when the woman’s chalky white hand connected with Dee’s face. All eyes turned to the pair, especially trained on Dee who stood still.
“…forgive me Lord…” Without another word or moment’s hesitation, Dee snatched the bag from the woman, charging back to the counter, humming erratically to herself.
“I ain’t gonna stand for this shit! I came here to get some iced cream. I want the man-“
“Will you SHUT UP for a few priceless seconds?” Dee exploded, and the coworker who’d called her to the counter in the first place bit his lip. He should have seen it coming.
“Who the hell do you think you’re talking to? I thought the customer was always right! I’ll have you fired for this!”
After a few minutes, Dee picked up her head, a smile on her face. “I’m sorry ma’am. Your order is ready.”
“Finally.” There was no bag on the counter, and Dee’s coworker, along with a few customers, wondered why this woman didn’t think anything was wrong. “…what the hell are you trying to pull?”
“I have your order.” Dee stared at her, the smile still pasted to her face, an odd sort of aura radiating from her that some could almost see. In her hand was a cup filled with a berry smoothie.
“I asked for a Dilly Bar! Is that too hard to understand you-“
Bits of strawberry, blueberry, and vanilla splashed onto the chalky face, the plastic cup then settled atop its head. “Have a nice day.”
Stunned, the woman shivered. “You…I have never…”
“You what? You got your ice cream. Now get out of this shop before I call the cops for your assault on me. NOW.” Dee’s smile didn’t fade as she said this, her eyes scanning the room and the other customers. “Anyone else want to smack me? I dare you.”
Half a dozen or so heads shook. “Good.” With that, she took off her hat and nametag, smiling at her coworker. “I quit. Tell the manager.” She put some cash onto the counter. “Keep the change.” With her went the woman’s order.
Crinkle, toss, bite.
A Dilly Bar never tasted so good.