Sing it back!*Whoa oh oh oh ohhh*

Pilot post lol its like a tv show XD

What is upppp! So psyched! Finally grasped the basics of this world stuff! lololololol Took 3 years XD Also for those of you wonderin about the title I was listenin to Sweetness by Jimmy eat world. Link: Song gets lodged into your brain I swear!

Whats new

Onto actual news.Actual news!? This is your first post in 3 years jerk face! Today I start back at school...nightschool more specifically. And its going to be AWESOME! Its a professional comic booking class that i get once a week(Thursday 6-9), and my teacher is a guy who has hiz comic published daily in the Montreal Gazette,which happens to be one of Montrealz biggest newspapers(for those of you goin "wtf is a gazette" XD). So im really psyched at having such a privileged opportunity.I iz going to steal hiz skillz!


I haz a new picture up!Let meh know whatchya think!
External Image
I don't know why but whenever I'm drawing Bleach art I always wind up listening to a lot of "Rise Against" music as I'm drawing, I just feel that music fits Bleach perfectly.

Question of the day/post: You ever find your self listening to a specific type of music when drawing certain things? Let meh know!I wantz to stalk you, and then make clones off your info!

Ted: The truth is: My friend, he does this thing where he goes to airports with fake luggage to pick up girls and we followed some here to Philadelphia. That's it, that's all this is!
Airport Security Guard: Nobody's that lame.
Ted: Yes, he's that lame. [to Barney] Tell him you're that lame.
Barney: We are international businessmen!
