What do I do ?

The worst has come..he cheated on me, but I love him..
I am so heartbroken..I really am, I love him so much and I can't believe this is happening. Monday morning. My friends Christina and Quan pull me away from everyone else, to tell me that Nick is breaking up with me, Christina huge me for comfort and Quan tells me why as I question it.

Quan wasn't suppose to tell me but he knew it is important to me. When Nick was up in Quebec City, he stayed at a friends house and met Myrai. She was needless to say, absolutely horny, and started touching him etc and they ended up having sex multiple times...

When Nick came back to Montreal, and saw me he felt horrible that he did that and so told Quan and Christina to end it, and that he "couldn't do this to me anymore".. Quan met up with Nick on Saturday, and started questioning him, Nick broke down and just kept on saying over and over again that He loves me and misses me like crazy and that he wants me back because everything was so perfect between us and he feels so stupid and he keeps on beating himself up for doing what he did..

So now hes going out with myrai...because they had sex. But he still loves and misses me like mad...I don't know what to do or feel.

My heart is forgiving and would take him back in a heartbeat if he wanted to, but my head says no, don't get hurt again.

I miss him..I really do. I love him, I need him, I forgive him.
I want him to be happy.
