~Welcome underlings to the Federation~


Name: MoMo

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Hometown: Nebraska

Youtube: UnionJackAudrey



Finally off for Christmas break! YESHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! xDDDD

Plus I PASSED Algebra(with a D) BUT STILL!!! xD

Now to spend Christmas break doing the billion requests I have waiting ^^

~Hita's CF OC Ice *shot*

~Shizuo from Drrr!! for LoveKouichi

~Ghosti's OC Mia

~Prussia for Jen

~Poland for Carolyn (Ugh I hate poland I don't want to draw him xD)

~Romania OC for Betty

~Boris for Lauren

~Soul and Renji for Gaby

The last five are (very, very, late) christmas presents for my friends. ^^

Jen and Carolyn gave me the most amazing gift ever! It was a little German flag patch! It's so cute! ^^ Plus they also gave me Gilbird crackers and Arthur's cooking(Chocolate coals xD)

My favorite gift so far this year!

They even made gifts for everyone else at our table. So I hope these requests come out good for them. ^^

Now I'm off to do some very last minute christmas shopping!

DAMN THIS TIME OF YEAR! xD How is Christmas Eve already on friday?! 0____o

Hetalia Crack Pairing Tag

lmao my friend wanted me to do this ^^;;; Name twelve of your favorite Axis Powers Hetalia characters in any order. 1) Germany (Cause he's my country :3) 2) Russia (For obviou...

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UD TAG stolen from Gem :3

ules: Go to www.urbandictionary.com and type in your answers to the following ten questions. Post the first definition it gives you.

1. What is your name?

"Japanese for peaches :3"

2. How old are you?

"The right age to start having sex, according to Chef on South Park" (Ummm thanks Chef xDDD)

3. What is one of your friends’ names?
"the coolest person alive. shes awesome!"

4. What should you be doing?
*feels like being random* Crossplaying

"When a homosapien with the sex chromosomes XY dress in anime cosplay clothes, usually taking on a persona much more preferable to his/her normal one." (BWAHAHA XD)

5. What is your favourite colour?
Ummm White

"The Colour White" Nahh you don't say xDDD

6. Where were you born?

(lmao I haven't heard this since 6th grade!! xD)

"Smack in the middle of our great nation
Is a state that requires some explanation.
To east and west coasters who'll come right out and ask ya',
"Is there anything of interest in the State of Nebraska?"

It's true we don't have mountains all decked out in snow,
But we do have the world's biggest live chicken show.
We're the makers of Spam. We invented Kool Aid,
And this is where the first Reuben sandwich was made.

Our insect, the Honeybee. Our bird, the Meadowlark.
The strobe light, our creation, works best in the dark.
Governmentally speaking, we're a freak of nature.
Since we have the only one-house state legislature.

On Arbor Day, when you plant a tree,
Remember that it started in Nebraska City.
We were once called a desert, but that name didn't take,
Since we have the country's largest underground lake.

We have the world's largest forest, all planted by hand,
And more miles of rivers than any state in the land.
The College World Series calls Omaha "home,"
And yes, this is where the buffalo used to roam
(until we shot 'em).

We were the first state in the nation to finish our Interstate section,
And the first to run two women in the gubernatorial election
(against each other).
We invented 9-1-1 emergency communication,
And we're the number one producer of center pivot irrigation.

Our woolly mammoth fossil is the largest ever found,
And our monumental "Carhenge" is certain to abound.
We have several museums that could be called odd,
Dedicated to Chevy's, fur trading, roller skates and sod.

In Blue Hill, Nebraska, no woman wearing a hat,
Can eat onions in public. Imagine that!
We built the largest porch swing and indoor rain forest,
And anyone who visits is sure to adore us.

So pack up the kiddies, the pets and the wife,
And see why Nebraska is called "THE GOOD LIFE."
(Oh gosh -- it doesn't even once mention football?!?)
Hey, let's go visit the spam factory in Nebraska!"

7. What month were you born in?

"Month in which creative, layed-back, dreamy, cool people were born." Holy Shit *mind blown* xDDDD

8. What day were you born on?

"A blow job in the front seat of a van." 0____0 mild spelling error brought up this! xD Good to know.

9. Who was the last person you talked to?
step dad

""A big fat ass hole which 99.99999% of kids who have one hate." (Half the time this is very true =____=;;)

10. What is one of your nicknames?

"(Japanese)An Upperclassman. Used in relation to fellow classmates of higher level or age."

BWAHAHA that was fun and awkward! lmao!

Depressing Friday, when does that happen? =___=

*yawns* I'm so tired today; I guess that's what I get for going to bed on time for once =___=;; I should just stick to blacking out at 2am.

My throat is still sore and my voice keeps coming and going. Lost it for the third time last night at work.

But, I've been very lucky to not have been sick as much as I usually am this time of year. ^^ Maybe my Immune System is improving. :3

I really don't have much to say today; it's rather boring just studing for finals. I borrowed my friend Carolyn's D.Gray-Man manga and read it first period while everyone else was reviewing for the Senior Langauge Arts final.

Finals are a joke to say the truth; so I really don't even bother to study.

Except for history of course that class is important. ^^ I got a 100 on my 1980's test yesterday; I felt awesome!! ^^

But now were just doing the 2000s its really boring. Our decade sucks besides the internet and such. ^^

So my final marriage packet is due today and I just realized I left both mine and my partner's at home while I was running out the door this morning =____=;; So over lunch I have to go and get them. *sigh* I can just see them on my desk T^T

I'm sad I don't really have any classes with my friends since none of them are in the same grade as me. My best friend and I have photography together but lately she's been blowing my off completely.

There has been very few days that I've seen her when she wasn't completely high or drunk. It's all she cares about and since I don't show any particular intrest she just ignores me -___-

So I just hang out with my otaku friends in the lunch room instead of listening to her brag about how much brandy she drank before coming to school, idiot.

It's really depressing to think about all the friends I've lost from freshman to senior year. *sulks*


BWAHAHAHA Actually going to finish my 400 point 30 page marriage packet for riligion! xD Procrastination kills!!!

I've had this thing for a month and doing the whole thing the day before it's due! ^^

Holy crap I am never having kids; I added up all the expenses for Just having a baby and it's up to like $9,000! >.>;; Damn!! XD But I hate them anyway; they bother me. :P

I'm sad; I have nothing to do today. I spent all yesterday makes one of those Hetalia paper dolls of Holland! ^^

lol, I need an outlet otherwise I go crazy sittting in class all day! D:


Tonight I'm going to be dead; I have to do all my homework since everything is due tomorrow! and write a 2 page paper over my marriage packet. ^^;

But it's cool; last year I wrote my entire final paper for English Composition in one night befor eit was due. Wrote 6 pages and went to bed at 3:30am; but I got an A!!!

I love that burst of horrified energy to work on everything you put off! xD I would be lost without it. ^^

I'm buying my new cosplay tonight since I finally have enough money for it! :D

I feel pretty epic since I've never seen anyone do a pre-communism Russia cept when he was ruled by the Tatars. Gawd, I know way too much about history. xDDD It's always been my best subject! ^^ GOD! SAVE THE TSAR!!! :D

Once I get this one finished I have two more planned.(Nice to have money for these kind of things ^^;)
~I'm thinking Iceland next since he's awesome! :D
~Then I'm going to get a Gakugen Hetalia uniform and be Germany. I haven't decided if I'm going to be the girl or guy version of him yet xDD

Hetalia are really the only characters I can get away with cosplay wise. ^^ I look exactly like Norway xDD

On a different note, I was freaking out this morning because the roads got really icy last night; there was 55 accidents just between 7pm and 12am! >.> But it was okay since I drive on basically all main streets.

I felt really bad though; my friend was late to school because she got in a wreck. ;_; She just got a brand new car in august after driving a piece of shit car from 1987. T^T I feel sorry for her.

I would be completely devastated if my car got wrecked.

How am I going to work until 8 then have to come home and find the motivation to do everything?! D:

Oh *just realized* I didn't do my history assignment either. =___= Stupid worksheet, the new millnieum is so boring though! Dx

Too much stuff to do with finals next week but we won a food drive and NO UNIFORM ALL WEEK HELL YEAH! God I hate wearing uniforms T^T Whenever I have to go out with it on it's like LETS STONE THE CATHOLIC SCHOOL KID! T^T Hey, I hate my school too. >.>;;

Well instead of ranting and wasting more time on the O; guess I better get back to class T^T *sigh*