
Monday..what else can I say? =___=

Well I officailly have no idea how to fix my laptop screen T^T This is really depressing since I usually know how to deal with computers; but after taking out and putting the battery back in a billion times and trying to see if my inverter(backlight) is broken. I don't have a god damn clue.

So not only do I have no charger I have no laptop to go with it. =__=; I glad that I didn't pay 80 dollars for a new one; only to come home to a broken screen. But now I can't use my new tablet. ;_; So yeah...basically I'll only be on the O on my off periods during school.

My laptop is still under warranty since I just got it last december so I need to dig up my stupid paperwork and go out to Best Buy when I don't have work. >.>;; I think after christmas I'm going to go down to working four days a week. But I like making money so I'll be sad!! xD

Once again sorry for everyone I have requests for! ;_; My laptop is the only computer I have programmed for my scanner so getting art up when I actually have time to draw it is completely impossible.

Ummm...what else...*tries to think* Probably the only time I'll be on at night this week is friday after work otherwise I'm going out west for a thanksgiving get together saturday and sunday.

I'm so boring! :D
