TAg :3

1. What does your username name mean and why?
OnlyAMarionette; lol just means I’m a lifeless puppet! ;_; jk, I just thought it sounded cool! ^^

2. What fandom were you obsessed with when you joined and what are you into now?
Bleach obsessively, since my name was Pantera! XD lol um just read my intro! xD

3. How many subscribers do you have now?
*checks* 55, I’m good with that relly I only talk to like ten people at the most xD

4. Name 3 of your favorite artists on DA.
I adore R-ninja; her Germania and Rome comics are to die for! XDDD Plus I love her art on the Old powers of Hetalia; it’s nice to see such beautiful work of such a little know character. ^^ I also like Blackstorm; her Bleach art is amazing!!! *super jealous* Also I like PunPuniChu; her Hetalia work is gorgeous and her doujinshi of the beginning of WWI actually made me like Poland! Sry have to add a forth one, Russian Konochi is amazing too; her wolf style is super cute!

5. Do you comment, fav, hug or all, just two, just one?
I fav and hug lots of things; I really try to comment but sometimes I don’t ;_:

6. Do you participate in clubs' or contests here on theO?
A couple RP’s and…*looks at backroom* And I still need to draw like 7 pieces for contests >.>

7. What is your most popular submission?
I guess my La Neige pic; umm its okay I guess *too much of a self critic*

8. What are your favorite non-anime TV shows?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm stuff on the History Channel *really doesn’t watch TV that much*

9. What are the things you wish you could draw better?
Hands and start doing digital art

10. Summer or winter?
Summer! I’ll take 110 over 8 anyday!!!

11. Rain or Sun?
Rain! :D

12. What's your favorite type of music?
I listen to a ton of stuff, I like most music from the 60’s and 80’s, some from the 50’s, 70’s, and 90’s; I listen to a lot of the Beatles, Alternative is my fav genre though and the only real popular music I like is Lady Gaga.

13. PC or Mac?
PC, macs are expensive and confusing *computer geek* :3

14. Anime or Manga?
Manga, I like watching the anime because it’s cool to see the character in motion. *shot for stupidity* :D
15. Coke or Pepsi?
I hate pop :P

16. Read or TV?

17. How many hours a day do you spend on theO?
I keep it up on my tabs and check it every now and then

18. Name a talent.
*sulks in a corner*

19. Flash or traditional cartoons?
I love both but Flash is fascinating! :D

20. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
I hate fast food.

21. What are your top 3 favorite books?(not mangas)
1. I like history books about war, disasters, or killers
2. Murder or Detective genre
3. Global Issues genre
22. Wii or PlayStation?
I don’t play video games. (Ninja: What kind of teenager are you?!) Sorry! >.>

23. Name 3 of your favorite bands/singers.
1. Linkin Park
2. The Beatles
3. Pink Floyd

24. Are you a fast, slow, or medium typist?
Fast, I just jump around the keys; fuck home row! :D

25. Do you like Denny's?
What’s Denny’s 0_o *googles it* I don’t think we even have one in Nebraska ^^;

26. What is your favorite smiley?

27. What is your favorite type of pie?

28. Have you ever stayed up for 24 hours?
Yes, that’s so easy!!!!

29. Do you go on YouTube a lot?
Tooo much! :3

30. Are you a member on any other sites besides theO?

31. Do you cosplay?
Not enough! But I found a new epic cosplay that I’m going to buy over Christmas!!!! *super excited*

32. Fruits or sweets?
Fruits, I hate sweets.

33. Buttered, plain, or salted popcorn?
I hate popcorn (Ninja: What don’t you hate? =___=;) Shut up >: (

34. Have you skipped school?
Yes, I spent the entire day at Barnes and Noble! XDDD

35. Have you been on a plane?
When I went to California four years ago haven’t gone since *kinda afraid of planes* I cried the last time =____=

36. Have you swam in an ocean?
Yes I fell off a kayak into a bunch of jellyfish T^T I dun like the ocean

37. Have you been ice skating?
Yes, I’m a BEAST! XD

38. Favorite vacation spot?
Going to sound really dumb but I like going to West Nebraska! XDDDD

39. Ever been on TV?
A commercial once T^T
40. Favorite salad and dressing?
Spinach with ranch! ^^

41. What do you do to relax?
Sit around on my computer

42. What is the last film you saw in the theater?
Vampires Suck

43. Favorite Sandwich?
Peanut butter and Apricot YUM <3
44. If you could go anywhere in the world...
Europe!!!! I want to see my Cousins in Germany and Sicily!!!!

45. Favorite time of the day?
Late at night

46. What did you want to be when you were little?
A vet or an animal rescuer

47. What do you want to be now?
Maybe a web support specialist *my dream is to be a photographer*

48. If you could eat with one person, who would it be?
Nikola…Tesla 0___o

49. Er...it was erased apparently XD *gasp* where’d it go!! .___.

50. When is your birthday?
March 30th 1993 *gonna be 18* I feel old! xD

51. Favorite type of ice cream?
Peanut Buster Pops, my step grandma got them at her ranch THEYRE ORGASMIC :D
52. Last book you read?
Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper

53. Which store would you max out a credit card at?
First Barns & Nobles, than Hot Topic, and finally Best Buy ^^

54. Do you buy / sell / both on eBay?
I’ve bought some stuff but never sold anything

55. What is the most annoying thing people ask you?
Are you a boy or a girl? Mostly it’s little kids I just want to punch them! =____=

56. Favorite all time movie?
Joyeux Noel, Saving Private Ryan, All Quiet on the Western Front, Schindler's List, The Last Battalion; sorry I like war movies >.>

57. What was your favorite show when you were a kid?
Speed Racer, Invader Zim, Dragon Ball Z, Thundercars, and Rodney and Bulwinkle

58. What are you listening to right now?
My step dad and my brother arguing over stupid stuff =___=

59. What is the last thing you ate?
White rice with crackers

60. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
Razzmatazz, that one was epic! :D

61. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
You look like a dumbass -___-

62. Favorite sport to play?
Tackle ultimate Frisbee xDDD

63. Favorite Day of the Year?
October 31st ^^

65. Vanilla or Chocolate?

66. Favorite Board Game?
Chess *shot*
67. Favorite smells?
Warm food >.>

68. What inspires you?
Contests, seeing someone whos better than me cause than I wana beat them ^^

69. Do you have any piercings?
Only three, my mom’s a Nazi so I have to wait til I can steak off to Omaha and get some more. I want to get two more hilex, two industirals, and get my lobes done a second time. I also want to get my naval pierced xD

70. How many siblings do you have?
For a long time it was just me and my little brother but now, I have three more when my dad meet my step-mom. ^^

71. Bacon Bits or croutons?
Hate both ^^

72. Favorite Day of the Week?

73. Favorite phrase?
“Epic Fail” ^^ I will say it the rest of my life

74. Favorite Restaurant?
Ummmmm maybe the Green Gateau(Pretty much a French restraunt with fucking amazing cake!)

75. Favorite animal?
Cat ^^

76. Favorite thing to do outside.
Drive ^^;

77. Favorite thing to do when it's raining?
Run around out side and flee when there’s lightning :D

78. Favorite Disney character?
Cheshire Cat from the new Alice in Wonderland ^^

79. Do you like coffee? If so, what is your favorite brand?
Yes, Gas Station Coffee owns! Fuck Starbucks :D

80. Tag 6 people
Meh, no thanks :D
