Ugh, I'm losing my voice; my friend Jen made fun of me this morning saying I should do some Prussia impressions. xD
But it was awesome though they made some Sea Salt ice cream and we all had some. It was so good! :D Roxas tears and Vanilla, mmmmmmmmmmm. It kind of epically made my day.
I had to sleep in my brother's room last night since my room is currrently distroyed; we had to tear out part of the ceiling and the carpet is still all wet. >.>;;
But it's okay since my brother's room is really warm. So I was able to catch up on some sleep after the night before's fiasco. ^^; 'Cept Hita didn't leave me any hot water this morning, jerk! XP I took like a 2 min. shower it was so freezing! xDDD I fricken hate this weather!
Moving on, I recently got a new account on deviant art; it's the same as my theotaku account name since I didn't feel like being creative. ^^ So far I just have one piece of my photography. xD But I'm putting more up if you want to check it out.
I don't really think I'll put much of my traditional art up. *embaressed by them >.>;;* I basically got it to put up pictures of my cosplay when I'm done with it.
Plus, the others I plan on doing this year. (Obviously all Hetalia xD) They're really the only chracters I can get away with cosplay wise. ^^
Ah damn the bell just rung well gotta go! :D