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Best Things About Naka-Kon! <3

-APH: World Conference, so many Russias!! D:

-Battling it out with Fifa!Spain

-Very Informative panel about Fanfics ;)

-Spending $120 in the dealer’s room xD

-Anime Truth or Dare! It was sooo fun, I got an easy one and just had to do the German march but then I dared Len to sing to Kaito! xDDD Wish I would have videotaped it! xDD

-The Hetalia Funimation panel was so awesome!!! :D They showed a bunch of early trailers I lost my voice screaming so much! xDD I got to sit by Prussia and Russia plus I glomped a Germany. :D He was kinda anti-social though :(

-Four of the VA from the Hetalia Dub we’re there! China, Chibitalia, Germany and France! >:D

-I have new favorite common terms from that panel that are INTENSE BEAMS and RAPE LAUGH (Ah hon hon x3)

-After that I went to the signing session and met more awesome people so I hung out with America, Canada, and Turkey for a couple hours. ^^

-Patrick(who does germany) was so cool and he even wanted to take a picture of my cosplay. :D

-Although because of J. Michael I love France like a billion times more than I already do! X3 I got his autograph and hugged him while he did the rape laugh xD Yeah, there were a ton of girls freaking out since he also does Sebastian from kuroshitsuji but I only came for La France! Ah hon hon hon!

-We got into a big hetalia group and played Spin the Bottle cept with hugging.(such implied Yaoi) X3 Russia(s) and Canada(s) got the most love! xD lol but I became one with Prussia!(multiple times xDD) At one point she locked me in her bondage cuffs. xDDD I’m glad my mom wasn’t there to see Sexy!Prussia completely on top of me! xD

-We also got a group picture and put the Yaoi flag in the background! xD I really hope I can see that picture! xDD

-It was so awesome with how many crack pairings it had! xD Best ones were…
~GilbirdXPierre(France’s bird)
~EnglandXFlying Mint Bunny

-We went to Cosplay Combat last. I don’t know what character I fought but I pwned! xD I used: Intense Beams, Das boot, and Blitzkrieg! xDD WIN!!

-I feel bad I have to add this but here it goes…

Worst things at the con! </3

-THE COSPLAY CONTEST! D: How depressing is that is the usually best thing about cons was a complete and utter sham. It was half an hour late from starting which would be okay if it was like Nebraskon where at least Tuba Squall is there for entertainment but we just sat there awkwardly. The announcers were so monotone and the crowd was completely dead. There was only one good skit. Basically the other two skits I stayed for they hadn’t checked the audio beforehand so we had to wait even longer. =____= One “skit” was just a girl in street clothes dancing to Kesha song for 10 mins. I could write a better skit for fuck’s sake! D:< Other than the most amazing America cosplayer ever it was a complete waste of time.

-This is the biggest con I’ve been too so it doesn’t feel as homey as Nebraskon. A lot of people were really anti-social like when I glomped them or asked them to take pictures; I understand being nervous or shy but sometimes it was like utter avoidance. >.>;; I guess they were just newbies.

Overall Naka Kon was a great experience but I'll be happy to go to Nebraskon in November they run their programming alot better! Plus Nebraskon is my home kon x3

Also hoping to go to AFW7 in july since Eric Vale(America's voice actor) will be there! :DD So I'll have to finish my Len cosplay before then, no problem x3

Oh and just if you were wondering here is my saturday cosplay! LES SEXY GERMANY! XD

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