My derpish life

Oh my gosh I can finally say it….THANK ‘EFFING GOD IT’S FRIDAY!! :DD

Ugh had to deal with my mom this morning as usual she’s always pissed off at me about something! >.< But she’s gonna be gone the whole weekend YESSSSSSSS!!!

Lol I got to school this morning and found my friends raeping my locker xD lol obviously the only senior with a germany flag on their locker. ^^

Also we looked up eachother’s birthdays and mine is on “I’m in Control Day” >:D EPIC!! Cept Jen and Carolyn’s is on World Pasta Day and Gaby’s is the same as Prussia’s xDD They’re so lucky!! D:

Yesterday wasn’t too bad ^^ I was in a weird mix of pissed off and hyper. Lunch was so fun since my guy friend Josh was actually there :D yeyz plus I begged for food since I had none xD
It was my third day teaching Advanced Web Design >.< How is it that kids who took this class just last semester don’t remember how to do anything D: I haven’t been in Web Design in two years >.>;; Oh well it makes me feel AWESOME!

I was incredible pissed about the West Whatever Church ruling. My social justice teacher actually thinks they’re right besides protesting at soldiers’ funerals. She thinks it might be possible that homosexuality is a punishment >:( I’M SO SICK OF THESE ‘EFFING

It was okay though I talked to my US teacher for a half an hour in class…I guess the ruling was alright because if they lost their right to assembly other groups might loose that right too. But Freedom of Speech is such bull, the us gov is a bunch of pricks to allow open discrimination like this. Things like this make me sick to be an American. But I’m glad veterans are taking a stand against those dumbass hicks. :3

Work has been alright lately; I was trained on a new shift. I basically just have to put everything away and clean. >.> I actually like Pot and Pans better even though it’s a lot more work. Cept I keep cutting all my fingers open. I was picking up floor mats on Tuesday and three of my fingers were bleeding all over the floor xDDD Didn’t help that I had to take pans out of the rinsing sink that’s keep at the lovely temperature of 125 degrees! OWWW! D:

But I really don’t mind my six day work weeks I really need the money! >.>;;

I found a really awesome cosplay on ebay I want to get for my birthday but it’s really expensive! I might as well sell my kidney or something cause 140+Shipping HOLY SHIT! D: There are others like it that are like 50-60 dollars cheaper but they look like crap and this one is just so amazing! :O Hopefully, I’ll be able to get it by the end of this month x3

Plus I got another package last night xDD It was another flag that I got off of ebay for six bucks. xD it’s so beautiful though @___@ I took my HRE/Tsar of Russia flag off my pole this morning; can’t wait to proudly fly the flag of the awesome Prussia!! <3

I was so excited it was just derpish! xD

Gawd I really haven’t done anything this week o___e All of yesterday we did nothing byt draw on a bunch of printouts of light’s just as planned face. xD Jen made a Prussia one and I drew a death note/hetalia crossover on the back and stuck it on her locker.

I have nothing fun planned today :( if I actually had money I’d go buy foam heads to put my wigs on[and scare the shit out of hita with >:3]

I'll probably just tie my flag to my flagpole and watch Furuba on anime on Netflex xD

OH MY GOSH I was freakin out yesterday since I finally watched the new Hetalia episode!! I WANT TO BEFRIEND THE WHALES :DD Alfred is so fucking cute!!!!

Plus I found a bunch more ten minute challenges :DD There were actually a couple from the movie made me happy! :3

{I NEED A LIFE xD} Meh that’s really it maybe something more exciting will happen later :P
