OTZ doesn't even begin to...

Wow, it feels like ages since I've been on here. >.<;; Been in a coma for the past three days since SOMEBODY got me sick after hanging all over me all the time!

I'm really irritated lately with everyone else in my family. =___=

Went to the state basketball game last night but didn't get there til like halftime so kept having to sit by people with a bunch of kids and really didn't watch since I didn't wear my glasses.

I didn't find anybody until after the game when I was attacked out of nowhere. x3;; It was still fun because I got to get out of my house and away from everyone.

Now, I'm just depressed today >.<

NOW SOMEONE AT MY PIE I've been hiding in the fridge D: That just ruined my day Dx

Then I dropped a heavy metal table on my foot at work the other day; now it's pretty much broken ;__; I have to like crawl it hurts so bad xD;;

hurr...I literally have nothing else to say other than complaining ^^;;

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