Tag ^^;;

What's your name? Morgan :P

Age? 17 almost 18 THE HECK?! xDD

What country do you live in? Alfed! *thumbs up*

Do you like it? nothegovermentisslowlyfallingapartandeverythingthiscountrystandforisdumb what? I mean, WE'RE THE HEROES WE'RE JUST THAT AWESOME >:D

Where is your dream vacation? England or Germany <3

Do you enjoy camping? no ;__;

Boy or girl? Girl

What color are your eyes? Greenish-blue

Do you care a lot about the way you look? Kinda ^^ At least decent :P

Do you consider yourself attractive? meh...

What compliment do you recieve most often? YOU'RE SO AWESOME xDDD

Are you a camera whore? Only when I'm taking pictures of myself in the bathroom xD otherwise I hate having my pic taken >.<

Regular whore? .____. no

Who is your best friend? JEN JEN JEN JEN >DD

How long have you been friends? A semester or so >.<

What do you love most about him/her? do I really need to say it...YOU'RE SO FLIPPIN AWESOME XDD

Do you fight a lot? never xD

Do you have a lot of friends? yes i do :D

If you had to label yourself, what would you say? I hate labels; I don't like people stereotyping me :P

Are you more likely to be called a loser or a slut? loser

Are you in high school? Yes for 9 weeks ;__;

Do you hate drama? with a fricken passion >.<

What is your favorite animal? Kitties :33

Do you prefer dogs or cats? Cats! I have two dogs but they sometimes annoy me xD

Will you be an old cat lady in the future? Probably yes xD

What is your favorite color? Black, White, Red, Yellow, Orange

Are you overweight? No xD

Underweight? Definitely not xD;;

What's your favorite snack? Potatoes x3;;

Do you frequent starbucks? No, so damn expensive DX

What do you buy there? Nothing

What genre of music is your favorie? Rock, anything from the 60's/80's, some from the 50's/70's/90's, Korean and Japanese musice, VOCALOID xDD

What are your favorite bands? hurrr...Len and Gakupo xDD

Have you ever seen any live? I WISH!!

Do you love the summertime? yes i do :D

What are your favorite summer activities? Swimming

Do you have a job? Yes, I work in a hospital kitchen :P

Do you work a lot? 24-27 hours a week :P

Do you like it or hate it? LOVE IT! :DD but hate the guys who creep on me >.<

If you could be any age, how old would you be? Younger so I didn't have to leave my friends ;__;

Are you more excited or scared for the future? Scared/lost xDD

Are you more of a "bad kid" or a "good kid"? I try to be good and usually am ^^;; But somehow I always have someone mad at me ;__;

Do you drink, smoke, or do any drugs? Hung out with the wrong people for awhile a long time ago and did smoke a bit >.< Being honest.

If not, do you want to? Never

What is your favorite alcoholic beverage? Don't care for any -___- Although I do like wine on our italian christmas where my grandma and aunt get drunk xD;;

have you ever been drunk? no

Do you have any friends you hate? That question is very contradictory .__.

Do you wish you had more friends? Nope I'm happy with those I have :'3

What is your sexual orientation? I still confused about it >.>;;

Do you believe everyone is bisexual? Not really :/

Do you believe in conspiracy theories? YES! xD

what is your favorite academic subject? History ^^ Go figure

Do you wish you were famous? No, get no friggin privacy >.>

What's your favorite store in the mall? Hot Topic

Do you shop at stereotypical stores like Abercrombie, Hollister, etc? Only went in there once when they had a coat that look just liek Fem!Germany! .___.

What is your favorite clothing style? Plaid shirt/jeans ^^;;

do you have a lot of clothes? No >.< I have literally no clothes

Do you buy a lot of expensive clothes? Clearance whore xD

What do you want your career to be? photographerwebdesignerpublications I don't know .___.

Are you a nihilist? The swedish band? *only I would know that*

Did you have to look that term up? yes cause I never knew what it meant xD YES human life so has a purpose xD I'm Alive by Becca is the perfect song for my life xD

What kind of phone do you have? I have a phone no idea what it is though xD;;

what does the last text you recieved say? My phone has been dead for three days FAIL xD

What did you reply? no ida xD;;

What were you talking about? ....

What's the last thing you said outloud? I was talking to myself in my car! xD "VINCENT BABY DON'T DIE!!" D:

Do you really laugh out loud when you say LOL? Yes usually xD

how much time do you spend on the computer everyday? 5+ hours absolutely xDD

Do you have a facebook? Yes

do you love it or hate it? I only use it to keep in touch in people or stalk Hetalia fanpages xD;;

Do you ever go on chatroulette? what? .__.

What are your favorite online sites? Youtube, theOtaku, Ebay xD

What does your daily routine consist of?
~Fight my sister for the shower
~Leave for school
~Be awesome with my friends before school :D
~School -___-
~Eat dinner
~1:30am SLEEP xD

Notice homework is nowhere in there ^^;;

Do you hate getting up early? No I love it :DD

do you have a lot of fun on the weekend? No -___- not ever

Is your family close? My dad and my step family are....me and my mom really tense >.<

Is it dysfunctional? -___-;; hurr

Do you have a lot of siblings? 1 brother, 6 stepsiblings(live with three), Four half-sisters OTZ

Do you go on im a lot? (*doesnt understand question*)

what is your favorite IM program? Yahoo,Hotmail,sometimes Gmail

Do you save IM logs? not really

Were you a different person two years ago? somewhat ^^

Do you like yourself better now, or then? Yes! Everyyear I can only thin of how stupid I was the year before >.<

Would you say you're mature or immature for your age? I have very great moment of both :3

Are you smart? Yes, I just lack all motivation xDD

Or are you one of those dumb kids who are too dumb to realize they're dumb? I dun think I'm that dumb xD

Are you a nice person or are you mean? It depends who sets me off *yandere face*

Do you tell it how it is? Yeah sometimes

Describe your personality in 3 words. Positive, SPAZZ, tsundere xD

Do others misunderstand you? always ;__;

Are you in school? yes

Do you enjoy school? Yes, I hate being at home most the time >.<

Do you prefer the academic or social part of school? SOCIAL :DD

What are your favorite classes? .__. History~ and advanced web design ^^

Do you talk to your teachers? Yesh! ^^

Are you single or taken? truthfully Single

If you're single, do you wish you were taken? i could care less

What's your sexual orientation? I don't know! D:

What's your favorite brand of soap? idk >.< We're cheap and don't buy name brand ^^;;

Do you like chocolate cake? i dont like cake unless it's like super awesome cake :O

Or do you prefer vanilla? Vanilla is awesome still don't like cake! xD

Do you like Top 40 music? derp...what is that? .__.

What's your favorite song right now? Fricken amazing piano covers xD

Do you listen to a lot of old bands? YES YES YES ABSOLUTELY FREAKIN YES xD I own more Records than CD's xDDD

What features do you find most attractive in a boy or girl? idk >.<

Do you play video games? No .__.

What are your favorite games? Super Mario Bros. on Nintendo 64 >:D

Favorite platforms? Nintendo 64 x3

do you play computer games? QWOP count? xDD

What are your favorite games? none ^^

Are you an avid reader? Yes

What are your favorite authors? Derp idk do mangaka count? xD

Favorite books? *looks at bookself* Manga..Manga..Manga..DVD's...Jack the Ripper...French Short Stories(which are alot about sex .__.), Stalingrad, Dresden, British Spies xDD lol

Do you watch youtube videos a lot? way too much ^^;;

Who are your favorite youtubers? fioriparty(her flashes are bomb>:D), RayWilliams

Least favorite youtubers? Trollers or people who just post dumb irrelevant comments -___-

Are you subscribed to a lot of channels? like 7 .___.

Do you upload videos? no xD

Do you have a lot of views? pfft, eff no

Are you a troll? no D:

Have you ever jumped off a waterfall? I don't think I've ever had the chance xDD

Have you ever been to a bar? yes for food xDD

Have you ever been kissed? no xD

Are you religious? Not really, it's not that I deny god I just don't feel like I really need a religion...that makes sense right? .___.

Spiritual? no

Or are you an athiest? hurr I guess >.<

Do you spend a lot of time outside? when its warm

What's your least favorite insect? Spiders D<

Do you exercise a lot? When I can xD;; but haven't lately since I've either been sick or injuring myself -___-

How far can you run without stopping? Almost three blocks >.<

Do you play any sports? No xD

Do you do any volunteer work? Service hours -___-

Do you consider yourself a good person? I think so D: at least I try to ;__;

Are you happy? Yes, even though my family is irking me beyond limits, I'm good xD

What are your hobbies? .____. internet, reading, writing pages of drabble, drawing, BEING AWESOME xD

Do you have a tan? No xD

If so, do you go to a tanning salon? No >.< not ever!

Do you dye your hair a lot? Frick yes xD Brown-->Red--->Blond--->?? Not sure yet xD

Can you remember what your natural hair color is? Crap combination between Blond and Brown >.<;;

Can you drive? HECK YES

Do you have a license? YES durr, kinda need a liscense to drive *hypocrite who doesn't keep hers in the car :P*

Do you recycle? Yes

All the time? Pretty much .___.

Do you sneeze in a cute way or in a loud way? I sneeze really high pitched; my brother mocks me for it >.<

Have you ever gone skinny dipping? No xD

Have you ever snuck out? No :O I would get my cheeck broken by my dad if I ever did that xD

Are barely ever at home, or are you home a lot? I don't like to be but always am >.<

Have you ever lived away from home? When I was in California for three weeks :DD

What's one of your favorite memories? No idea

What's something upcoming that you're excited for? GOING TO CANADA THIS SUMMER :OOO OH MY GOSH SO FRICKEN STOKED!

What time is it? 10:01PM

Is there something you should be doing right now? no .__.

Do you have to get up early tomorrow? Yes, get to spend my whole bloody day at Pius -___-

Is today a good day? YES :D

What's your favorite food? Potatoes

Can you tell this is my first survey? Yes -__-

What's your favorite holiday? Halloween >:D

What's your biggest goal? .____. oh, derp; Avoid facebook for awhile -___-; a guy I met at Naka is creeping on me o___o;; He's like 24 >.<;;
