*yawns immensely* Well 4am and pulled an All Nighter finishing all this damn homework. I have two huge projects tomorrow well today now >.< plus a 5 page paper =___= I am so dead~
Two hours before I have to get ready for school so still finishing up -__-
I think I have a good idea why my eyesight is suddenly getting ruined lately, damn. Plus this whole week I've probably only slept 11 hours this entire week combined ^^;;
Sorry I haven't been around SCHOOL IS SO CRAZY INSANE!! OTZ
So quick news with me~
I now work in TWO HOSPITAL KITCHENS!! xD I got taken on as a volunteer at a rehabilitation facility awhile ago and they were thrilled to hear that I've already been working at a hospital for a year almost. ^^ I got to skip most of the orientation since I've already been trained in most procedures. AWESOME~!
OH I GOT PISSED TODAY derp I mean yesterday D: My engine light for my car has been on forever and I went out for lunch today. The motherfricken Air Bag light turned on now!! D< So I have to betch out the arse I bought it from to take it in to get fixed. =___=
OH I GOT MY PUNK!ENGLAND COSPLAY PUT TOGETHER!! :O (I make weird faces in photos xD)
ANOTHER AWESOME THING~! I'm allowed to draw in Web Design :'D My teacher let me scan a bunch of my pictures and now I'm spending all of class colouring them on Illustrator @___@ <3 Immensely Epic~!
Oh you may have noticed my weird as hell new blog "BloodyBritishBlog" I made it cause I'm going to LONDON THIS FALL OHGOSH FLIPPIN STOKED!! More to come on that news~
I can't even think right now, soooooo braindead ;__;
Eeep 3:50 better get back to work~!
Wish me luck tomorrow no TODAY ERRR RAGE!!