This is a dump space for any Asia-related stuff I (or you) think is fascinating, hilarious, just plain trippy, and everything in-between. Stuff from Southeast Asian countries is definitely encouraged, and everyone is welcome to post. (PM me to become a guest poster!) Let's all join hands and revel in the Asia-ness! :DDD
- Created By bellpickle
It's Not Just The Letters That's Big!
Hello once again everyone! I'm the guest poster of this World, and welcome to Only in Asia.
Yeah, me and bellpickle haven't really done much these it only weeks or has it already been months already? Anyway, I thought I'd drop by and make a few posts on this site. I was thinking of posting a Kim Jong-il parody, but since he seems to be pretty ill right now I decided to pass that one out to show some respect (even though if he's not exactly a nice guy).
So, for today, here's a really funny pic I found in Flickr. According to the original owner (tokyofortwo), this picture was taken from Japan. It took me a while to try and understand the unintentionally humorous meaning of this sign (which is odd, 'coz I'm a guy and I should know this). And...uhh...let's just make the picture do the talking.
Really cracked me up big time once I figured it out. Anyway, I hope to make some more posts here in the future. And bellpickle, this is your World, so please feel free to post here.
Photo from tokyofortwo of Flickr. Used under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License.
Bits from Beijing
Political aspects aside, let's talk about the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
So I guess many of you have seen the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony yesterday, right? If you were like me and got to see the events happen on live TV, then I think you can agree with me that the opening ceremonies were just SUPER AMAZING! From the huge scroll to the duet for the official theme song, the opening ceremony was so darn fantastic. Tremendous job from the Chinese job!
So for today, I'll be sharing you a piece from the Beijing Olympics. It's actually a Korean news report from SBS, but it still manages to give a visual summary of what happened at the opening ceremony. If, in case, this video is deleted due to some copyright claim, you can always go to YouTube and search on your own.
One Wish
Long time no post! How are you doing? For me, I've been busy in school as well as promoting my Top Ten Contest in, which all of you are invited to join. (Heh! Cheap plug!)
Today, I'll feature a classic ad from the Philippines. This is for FITA Biscuits, a popular brand of biscuits in the country. This ad is basically summed up by the quote, "What you sow is what you reap." Enjoy!
If in case you didn't understand the little dialogue in this ad, here's a translation:
FAIRY: Because of your kind heart, make one wish.
GUY: Ahh...a sportscar! The red one!
The Japanese Office
Okay, so this isn't technically Asian, but I figured it was good for a few laughs, so why not?
I'll have to link to a video that's off-site, since this doesn't seem to be on YT at the moment: aired last week on SNL, the original Japanese version of The Office. :DD
Filipino Inmates Do The Haruhi Dance
Hey guys! Do any of you remember the prisoners at the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center (CPDRC) in the Philippines? You know, the one that took YouTube and the whole world by storm when thousands of them danced to the tune of Michael Jackson's Thriller (Click here to view)? The one that TIME Magazine had called one of the most watched videos in 2007?
Well, they're doing it again (actually, they've danced a lot of other dances). This time, they're dancing to the tune of *drum rolls* the Haruhi dance!
Yes, the dance that took theOtaku by storm in the past year has now been performed by these dancing inmates. If you are like me and don't exactly know what the Haruhi dance is, click here. If you do know, then go ahead and enjoy this video:
So, who wants to be jailed in the Philippines and dance with these inmates?
P.S. Not to brag, but I live just several kilometers from this prison. So I can go there whenever I want to. *evil laugh* Unfortunately, I haven't yet. *cries like a baby*