Introduction Post~!

Okay, I'm not sure where exactly the description sentence went (the one I wrote out when I created this thing!), so I'll just restate it here: this is basically a dump space for any Asia-related stuff I (or you) think is fascinating, hilarious, just plain trippy, and everything in-between. Stuff from Southeast Asian countries is definitely encouraged, and everyone is welcome to post. Let's all join hands and revel in the Asia-ness! :DDD

Figured it would be appropriate to start off with something from the Anime Motherland. Now available in Japan: flavored hot baths!

Yes, I know that that preview pic seems frightening. Be strong, my friends.

I LOVE the news reporter for reasons that should be obvious by the end of the video. And I also like the way he says cocoa. (Ca-COW.) Though I still don't know WHY anyone would ever want to bathe in a tub of curry water, but okay Japan. You win.

(Brought to you by Reuters. Which probably means that this was used as news fodder in world news programs the world over. Keep an eye on your TVs, people!)
