Japanese Tigers Teach You How to Pee and Poop

Well, since it's my birthday *cough*, I've decided to make a post here once again. And today's post would have never been possible had bellpickle not gave me her consent to post this.

As much as I'd like to post a birthday-related video, I just couldn't find any right now. So instead, we have *drum rolls* A JAPANESE CARTOON OF A TIGER FAMILY TEACHING KIDS HOW TO PEE AND POOP. (With subtitles!!!) And from what I've seen in this vid, this is actually a legitimate campaign for potty training in Japan.

So, here it is ladies and gentlemen. Enjoy and be educated! And while you're at it, sing with the tune!

See, boys and girls. Peeing and pooping is easy and fun! (Holy crap! Did I just say that?)
