Have you noticed there is something wrong with some animes??
those kind of animes that repeats the same kind of plot in every episode, the animes' looks, and lots more!!!
here are a few examples of these kinds of animes...
sailor moon
i mean..what is the artist thinking?!?!? look closely..her hair almost touched her ankles.and she's wearing pig tails!!! what if she takes of her pig tails..imagine how long would it be???
sorry..(to those who love pokemon)..i also love pokemon but..i have one problem with it..i got bored,,u know y?? almost all of their episodes have the same story or plot..have u noticed..ash fights in a gym..and finds another place..and round and round it goes..*sigh..but still pokemon is nice..i think..
bokura ga ita
this is one of my hatest anime..u know y?? this has the same incident as pokemon..the same story/plot..they fight, they get back, they fight, they get back...and so on...
pitchi pitchi pitch
*yawns***who loves pitchi pitchi pitch?? i know who..little girls do..but little girls or kids does not usually watch anime..soo who watches them...
US!!!! no use right??
yah..i think thats it..tell me ur reactions..if u refuse or not..thank you!!