Anime Closet Adventure One!

Closet Adventure! One!

(DeathNote World)

PheonixFox laughs hysterically. L looks at her like she's crazy. Which probably isn't far from the reality. "What?"
She continues to laugh hysterically.
Beginning to look vaguely uneasy L asks, "Hey, why are you laughing..? Who ARE you, anyways..? -_-;"
PheonixFox replies, "Yakuza! 8D" There's a brief pause before she admits, "Okay, not really."
L cocked his head imploringly.
"You see, I am here to kidnap you!"
Startled, L scooches back a bit. "What are you talking about?"
"You heard me, mister! This is a kidnapping!"
"I can't believe this. -_-;" L looked a little sick, though that's normal.
"Believe it!" PheonixFox gives a thumbs up sign, and slings off her small, green backpack.
Watching, L stares dubiously as she brings out a silvery roll of tape. Duct tape, to be precise. "What's that gonna do you? I can fight, you know..." He bites his thumb, bored.
"My dear L, nobody, and I mean nobody, can fight the power of duct tape!"
He doesn't buy it. "I highly doubt that..."
Grinning a malicious, slightly sadistic smile, PheonixFox grabs hold of the end of the roll of tape. "Do you know?" She pulls, and they both hear the sound it makes loud and clear. "Duct tape is the single, most unbeatable element in the world. Other than bacon."
"-_- Bacon?"
"Okay, no, not even bacon. Tch, touchy much." And with that, she surges forward, and L, anticipating it, rolls backwards, only to be caught by the ankle.
PheonixFox smirks. "Not today!"

(YuYu Hakusho World)

Elsewhere, where the streets are dark and gloomy, a red haired fox-demon walks casually down the street, accompanied by a shorter one in black.
They both turn instinctively around as they feel a dark presence behind them, and their eyes dart back and forth.
A tall figure emerges from an alley way. He's tall, wearing a long black robe hemmed in red. He has long balck hair in a loose braid over his right shoulder, and the eye above it was encased in a plate of metal, the eye a red glass circle. He seemed to be holding something in one hand, hidden by his sleeve.
His left red eye twinkled. "Hello."
Hiei, the short, black demon, glared at him. "What do YOU want?"
"Allow me to introduce myself. I am PheonixFox's butler, Lucifer, since she cannot kidnap Sabastian due to his contract."
Kurama gives him a puzzled look. "Sabastian...?"
"From Kuroshitsuji."
Both demons seem to be slightly lost.
"That aside, however..."
"You mentioned kidnapping," Hiei stopped him. "What do you mean?"
The butler's smile peeled into an evil grin. "Just what I meant."
Kurama and Hiei felt chills go down their spine.
Lucifer brought out his hand. In it was a roll of duct tape. "You'll be coming with me."


L groaned, eyes still shut. He could recognize the feel of duct tape binding his arms to his side and his legs together.
Nobody, and she meant nobody, could fight the power of duct tape.
One black-rimmed eye peeled open. Or he thought it was open. It was still too dark to see anything.
Someone had heard his groan, however.
"Who's there?" someone growled under his breath, clearing intending to be quiet.
L lifts his head up to look for some point of light, and finds it two inches from his face.
With a muffled yelp he sits back up away from the face, and the other body does the same, both in complete surprise.
"Hey," said the other voice again, "who's there?"
"I am."
There was a growl in response.
"Now now, Hiei, calm down," whispered Kurama.
"Why should I? Where are we, anyway? One moment we're walking down the street, and the next..."
L shrugs, even in the dark. "How should I know? I don't even remember what I was doing not a few moments ago."
Suddenly, a peel of light erupts from one of the walls around them, and they all flinch.
A figure stands in the doorway, grinning, fingers hooked under the duct tape of another figure.
"Let me go!" The other new arrival demands.
PheonixFox shakes her head, however. "What's the worth of the name HiguchiGirl on deviantART without Higuchi? Now seriously."
The girl swings Higuchi around and plops him down to sit next to L, on the opposite side of what he sees is a red haired teenager. "Now, everyone, let me introduce you to one another!" She gestures at L. "L Lawliet!" He flinches in surprise. She knows his name!? "And here's Kurama and Hiei! No last names, as demons. And Higuchi Yuuya, from the Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro World!"
"The...the what?"
"You heard me. It's a mouthful, so I won't say it again." Actually, she was just too lazy to type it all a second time.
"Neuro? The assistant detective?"
"Yes and no. Any more questions?"
"I have one," Hiei growled. "What the heck are we doing here!?"
"Good question! You're here as my new family!"
"Presicely! New family! Since, well, mine died in an accident, and....well..." U_U
Hiei glared at her. "You're lying, aren't you?"
She composed herself at once. "Yes! I am!" She smiled. "This is my world! Welcome to it! You are now a part of the household!"
"WHAT household?" asked Kurama.
"No last name or anything?"
"No, not online where it can be pulicized and used for evil benefit."
They all nod understandingly.
"Lucifer! Oh Lucifer! Escort them please to their rooms!"
"They're already in their room, ma'am."
"Oh! Incredible work, then! Wow you're fast."
"Hey, get us out of the duct tape, at least..." Higuchi said.
HiguchiGirl ndded. "Yup! By the way, why didn't anyone hit the light switch?"
"There's a light switch!?"
"We're stuck in DUCT TAPE you retard! How're we supposed to hit ANYTHING?"

New Season!!

I have heard from a very reliable source--aka it's only a rumor--but Ouran High School Host club might be starting a new season coming this summer! Wouldn't that be just awesome!? I don't know about you, but I'm syced!! (sp!?) I really, REALLY hope it's true! Ouran High School is mega awesome, don't you think? XD And very fluffy. :3 Not to mention how the first season ended...what with Kyouya and tamaki's dads talking about whose son gets to marry Haruhi...rofl...poor Hikaru will never have a chance! XD Or Kaoru, but for the most part, it seems to be Hikaru. Maybe Mori...*has major doubts* ANYWHO! Like I said, I really hope this comes through as true!! Though maybe they can excerpt a few of Renge's appearances...she appears in practically every episode at least once...or at least I hope they include Nekozawa more!! XD Nekozawa is awesome...yes he is...and Renge slightly scares me! XD And she's kin for gods sake!! O-O Something's wrong with me...

Oh, well. :D

See ya later~!


I was in a public bathroom, only there was only one toilet, on the wall, across from the sink, which was next to the door. Bladder feeling ready to explode, I sat down to use it. Suddenly 2 boys walked in, walked by without looking at me, and entered the stalls that suddenly appeared along the wall to my left. 3 girls walked in and surrounded the mirrors on the wall sharing the wall that held my toilet. They noticed me there, sneered, and started giggling. I stood up, finished, apparently it being alright that I was in pulic (very freaky) when the girls (after I had my pants up) shoved me into the wall and came to circle around me. "Hey, stupid," they said. "Do you think that you can just be in here when you want?"
I slowly recognized them as kids from my classes at school, whom were usually very nice to me. I tried to get around them, but they stopped me, jeering. One laughed, "You're kind of ugly, you know that? Why are you even here?"
Another continued, "You don't fit in at ALL. You don't belong. You're a stupid FREAK. A GEEK."
"Yes," I said, "I already know that."
"Your parents should die."
"I don't live with my parents."
"Then your grandparents should die, too."
The seemed to be switching places, back and forth in front of me, making their 3 bodies become a dizzying image of ten or more. "Leave," they chanted. "Get out. You're ugly. You're fat. You stink. Get out of here. No one wants to be your friend. Go away."
One of the boys--another kid from class, I realized--kicked open his stall, burst through the crowd of girls, and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, which gave me goosebumps (I've never even had a boyfriend, nor ever touched by a boy). "Leave her be. Come on, *insert my name here*."
He manuevered me out of the bathroom, into what was like a room in a dance studio, and the bathroom doorway was almost like a portal to another world--when we'd exited, it was as if it was all secluded on the otherside.
The boy turned to me, and grinned evilly--don't ask me how I knew it was evil, I just knew. He had sharp fangs--a vampire. Which, actually, I thought was cool, until he grabbed at me. I yelped and ran out of the nearest doorway that didn't lead to the bathrooms.
And that was the end, everything fading to black with the girls laughing in the background and an after image of the boy grinning evilishly.

That was one of the weirdest of dreams I have ever had.

Zombie Loan/Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro

With not much else to do, I started to, once again, check out what mangas there were on OneManga. I usually go in alphabetical order (there are new ones ech time from times I didn't catch that there was an update). The first manga I came to was Zombie Loan.

Yay, Zombies, and yay, Money-Grubbing Zombie Hunters! Could use a touch of shojo, though...

It's kind of creepy, actually--no, not Zombie Loan--though yes, that's creepy as well--but what I'm refering to is that my latest favorites have been a little....uhh....DARK is the word I think I'll use.

Two of the three main characters of Zombie Loan are Zombies, as well as Zombie Hunters, their names being Shito and Chika. After a freak accident that involved a bus, a bridge, and 20 other people, they have accidentily been left with each other's hand, binding them together, whether they like it or not, which they don't. Here enters Michiru, a girl in their class who is clumsy and doesn't exactly have a life one can come to love. What she DOES have is Shinigami eyes, which, unlike in Deathnote, don't show the name and lifespan of other people, but reveals grey/black bands around people's necks, grey meaning they're nearing death, the darker the color representing the person's closeness to death, until when it's pitch black and a Shinigami slices through it. After some events, Michiru finds out about Shito and Chika being dead and all, because they have completely black circlets but are very much alive on the outside. Any more information and I'll be sounding like Wikipedia, but that's the basic composition of the story.

A little warning before hand, though: while the graphics aren't as convincing as many other mangas you could find and read, there IS gore, and alos: Nao's other half, Leah, is starts with an l and has an s and b and ends in an n. Other than Leah, I like the manga completely! XD

Another dark manga I've been into lately is Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro, or, in english, Private Evil-Eye Brain-Eater Neuro. Neuro is a detective from the fiery pits of hell, wouldn't you know it, and poor Yako Katsuragi, a girl with a mystery surrounding the resent death of her father, has the misfortune of meeting him. You see, Neuro is brought to the human world due to a dream of his, to eat the Ultimate Mystery. No, that wasn't a typo. To EAT the Ultimate Mystery. His food is nothing but pure mysteries, and quite frankly, the ones from the demon world are all the same flavor and are very much in the mundane. Human world mysteries hold different flavors, and Neuro aims to eat as many as possible, his stomach as pitless and unsatiable as Yako's, who herself eats nearly everything in sight. This duo, joined later by a third party, Godai, get into a bit of trouble and fun everywhere they go, accompanied by Neuro's constant violence and torture and a pair of detectives from the police named Eiichi Sasazuka and Jun Ishigaki as they face bizarre enemies and searcn for the mystery that will satisfy Neuro's stomach for good!

Also, be prepared to fall in love with Evil Friday, one of Neuro's 777 Tools of the Demon World.'

Yes, yes, I know, i know, "PheonixFox, you're going MACABRE!!" Sorry, I like what I like. ^^ I'm still into shojos in between though, and I'm still into Zelda!! XD But it leads me to wonder if the next thing I'll get infatuated with will have Necromancers or something in it. wouldn't that be great? I actually like Necromancers, just ot what they do. Can't there be a good Necromancer?? (is that an oxymoron or what? -_-")

So yeah. You, person I might very well not know, I think that if you've got a strong mind and stomach and are okay with a demon with a very strong sadistic side and zombies after human flesh who wield meat cleavers, then be my guest and try these mangas out. They're not as bad as the words 'sadistic, torturing demon' and 'zombies' make everything sound, they're sort of addicting and enjoyable to read thanks to the fun and jokes in them (okay, that's mostly reserved for MTNN, but yeah).

These two mangas aren't very popular, but they're out there, and I wanted to get the word out. Enjoy!

Chew it Over

Some things to chew over:

What does the color nine smell like?

Why do they put braille on drive-up ATMs?

If you keep your mind open, won't your brain fall out?

Choosers will be beggers if the begging's not their choosing.

Silence speaks in volumes. Is that why we read?

How do you go east of the North Pole?

How do we travel west of the sun and east of the moon?

Two wrongs don't make a right, but two negatives make a positive.

You can't spell 'slaughter' without 'laughter.'

Is it okay if a vacuum really sucks?

If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving is not for you.

Thou shall love thy neighbor, but thou shall not covet their wife.

A celebrity is someone who works hard all their life to get noticed, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized.

What a thoughtless self--I mean a selfless thought.

When you steal from your own home, isn't that called moving?

Worm, as degrading a word, is one letter away from Wyrm (dragon). The case is similar backwards.