TMK: Top 20 Openings and Endings!

I admit that I’m going to start this list off with some nostalgic anime openings and endings, because I remember how much I loved them and still do.

1. Inuyasha 1st ending: My Will

Inuyasha was the first anime that really hooked me into anime, and will always hold a special place in my heart. I was like 11 when it first came out on Adult Swim. I was really fascinated by the characters and story. I remember that when I first heard this ending it was my favorite!

2. Full Metal Alchemist Opening 2: Ready Steady Go

I remember watching F.M.A (2003). It was the best thing I came across! I actually like the 2003 F.M.L then Brotherhood.
Anyways I really liked this opening! I really enjoyed listening to the guy sing! and the animation was obviously great to watch!

3. Inuyasha 7 ending: Come my way

I always found this song very relaxing and dream like. I liked to close my eyes and imagine myself traveling with Inuyasha and the gang when I was little. (such a dork oTL)

4. Full Metal Alchemist Opening 4 : Rewrite

I really like the instruments in this song. I would always looks forward to just listening to the instruments at the begining. Once the guy started singing, it made the song sound cooler and it was even better when I watched the clip where Ed fought Lust in the intro.

5. FLCL Ending: Ride on shooting star

This anime was so weird I never understood what it was about since I was a kid at the time. I haven’t really re-watched it, but I should.
I really loved this ending! Except I think it was also the opening? The guitar was my favorite part!