Yookoso! Welcome to my world everyone!

I'm Umeda Isao. I'm trying to make it as a mangaka in America. And it is here that I'll be putting up some of my ideas I have for mangas and/or animes. I would like everyone's opinion on them so if you have anything that could help improve my stories, please tell me! Your opinions will help me better myself as a mangaka.

So here's a little bit about myself:

Real Name: Noland Isao Kana'i Soga (yes it's a bit long ><)
Birthday: July 2,1990
Birthplace: Honolulu, Hawaii
Resides in: Las Vegas, Nevada
Hobbies: Drawing and reading manga, watching anime, learning Japanese
Likes: Food in general, anime/manga xP, video games (especially racing games and RPG), stories that have a serious moral to them
Dislikes: Going to work T^T, being in a slump while working on ideas
Favorite Music: Anything that strikes my fancy :D
Favorite Musicians: Please refer to my last answer =w=
Favorite Seiyuus': Kikuko Inoue, Nana Mizuki, Aya Hirano, Mai Nakahara, Ai Shimizu, Shinichiro Miki, Takehito Koyasu, Tomokazu Sugita...and more ^^
First Anime Watched: Speed Racer XD
First Anime that made me an otaku: Initial D (lol)

Tekken Movie for 2010?!?! 8D

This struck my curiosity and I have to say that this looks really promising. It's an Indie movie so we don't have to hopefully worry about bad choice of casting like Dragonball Evolution and Legend of Chun-Li. *facepalms self*

I Gots A New PC Baby! XD

Now I don't have to hog my mom's comp now XD A big thanks to my co-worker who built me it!

Now I just have to save up for my own scanner, tablet...OwO
I'm just so excited! The possibilities are ENDLESS!!!

I Just Got Inspired...By Vocaloid? O.O

Lately I've been getting into Miku Hatsune and the whole vocaloid thing because my co-worker listens to her all the time. Finally checked out the whole craze surrounding vocaloid and got to thinking...why don't I make my own vocaloid? XD
Sounds like fun! I think I've got a back story and maybe a voice range too.

Any opinions on this?

Thoughts & Prayers to the People of Haiti

I've been hearing on the news recently about the massive earthquake in Haiti...it broke my heart to see this unfold...I pray that there are still survivors of this horrible tragedy...please keep them in your hearts everyone...

The Game-Dreams

An old song back from 2005 by the Game. I'm really not one for feuds and beefs about The Game's career, I just love the music especially this song.