Replying to everyone's comments right now. A big thank you to everyone who wished a happy birthday and the gifts too! I'm sorry for not replying earlier when I was in Cali...I didn't want to be too long on my relative's comp since I was taking refuge in their house for my trip >x<
Anime Expo was AWESOME!!! Man I didn't realize how many people were going to be there. I could barely breath in the exhibit hall!
Beside that, I got alot of cool stuff one of them being some character portraits. I got 4 characters drawn by 4 artists that work for different eroge companies...yes eroge =w=b they aren't colored but still I like them!
The artists were: OverDrive Artists-Fujimaru (Kira Kira Curtain Call and Deardrops), Shinji Katakura (Kira Kira and Kira Kira Curtain Call. CIRCUS Artists-Yuka Kayura (Da Capo II artist 8D), and Yuki Takano (Da Capo artist also >w<). There were some more artists but I was too stupid and broke to ask for a portrait
I'm also starting to get into Weiss Schwarz, a TCG from Japan. I hope they bring it to America >w<
In general, I had the best time of my life and I'm definetly going again next year. Now then...my eroges are calling me so I shall close with that =w=b