Been ignoring this place for a while so here's a little post =w=b

Life is pretty busy now:
1) I got sketch requests and gifts that still need to be worked on. GAH!!! D8

2) I'll be starting a new shift...3:30pm to Midnight =____= yay...

3) The family and I are moving into a new apartment soon because my uncle is planning on selling his house where we are living currently.

In gaming news, I just pre-ordered Artonelico 3 and Catherine. ATLUS ISN'T DEAD AFTER ALL!!!!!!!! 8DDDDD

I got the soundtrack for Catherine and Shoji Meguro doesn't disappoint!
Here are some of my favorite tracks from the soundtrack

Also got the limited edition Parasite Eve I and II Soundtrack...I'm a sucker for anything limited edition =w=b

Well it's time for me to get off to bed. Got home from work not too long ago and I need some Advil stat! >_______<
