Chapter 1: Blood Wolf

[Time passes and it’s lunch time. Scene moves to the rooftop. Hirou is sitting by the railing drinking a can of iced tea. As he tries to sip his tea, he feels a pain in his back.]

Hirou: (tch) It’s still hurting…it wasn’t even that long of a fight…

Girl’s Voice: I thought I’d find you up here.

[Hirou looks towards the door and sees Mino.]

Hirou: Izume… (Her full name is Izume Mino)

[Izume walks over to Hirou.]

Izume: Mind if I hang out with you?

Hirou: Go ahead.

[Izume tucks her skirt under her legs and sits down next to Hirou. It’s a bit of a quiet pause between the two of them.]

Izume: So…how’ve you been?

Hirou: Fine…I guess.

Izume: That’s good.

[Another pause]

[Izume looks at Hirou, Hirou looks at Izume. She starts to move closer to Hirou. As she gets closer, her hand reaches out to Hirou’s face.]

Hirou: What is it?

[Izume touches Hirou’s cheek and rips his bandage off]

Hirou (in pain): GAOWWW! What the hell!

[He rubs his cheek.]

Izume (angry): Fighting again huh? Jeez!

[She walks over to look at Hirou’s cheek.]

Izume: Let me see.

[She only notices the red from the bandage.]

Izume (uncaring tone): Hmm…you look fine to me. It’s nothing serious.

Hirou (mad): You just ripped that bandage off my face and that’s all you have to say!

[Izume gives him a serious look and Hirou brings his composure back.]

Hirou: What?

Izume: I can’t believe that you’re still fighting…

[She sits down next to him again.]

Izume: I thought you said that you weren’t going to be doing this. You said that you would stop.

[Hirou averts his gaze away.]

Izume: Why are you still fighting?

[Hirou remains quiet for a bit.]

Izume: Why?

Hirou: ……I need the money……

Izume (starts to get upset): That’s no excuse.

Hirou (defensive): It’s not an excuse. It’s the truth-

Izume: I don’t care! There are many other ways of making money besides fighting! What about that job at the grocery store?

Hirou: ...It wasn’t enough money...

Izume: But it was enough to get you by wasn’t it? You gave that up because it wasn’t enough?!!!

Hirou: Of course. You think sending Manami to Shisaido was gonna be cheap or something?

Izume: I could have helped Hirou! You know that I would do anything for Manami especially when it comes to her schooling. Why don’t you let me help?

Hirou: Because I don’t need it. That’s why.

[Hirou gets up and starts to walk away.]

Izume: You didn’t answer my question!

[Hirou ignores her and opens the door.]

Izume (yells): HIROU!

[Hirou walks through and closes the door. Izume is left alone on the rooftop. She slightly clenches her fist.]

Izume: Idiot…you stupid idiot…

[Izume begins to tear up]

Izume: Do you even understand…how hearing that makes me feel Hirou? All I want is to help…but...

[Shifts back to Hirou.]

Izume: feels like you're pushing me away…no matter how hard I try reach out to you…

Hirou: I can do this on my own; I have to…Sorry Izume…