Welcome to Castle Oblivion 10 years after the deaths of all the original members of Organization 13. *tear* Despite their deaths, new nobodies have been created and have begun to call the castle their home becoming the next generation of Organization 13 members. New things await as things change and adapt in this new season.

Leader: SojiRem (Triskix- The Red Shinigami)
Co-leader: CrazyFangirl5746
Other Members, Power level
LoveKouichi (Lexian- Daemon of Darkness)
Support KIRA (Raxi- Frozen Duplicity)
KiKaiya(Nyx- Maiden of Light)
Rexikat Rhapsody (Rexikat- The Chained Rhapsody)
Dark Smile (Ximh- The Lightning Emperor)
khismylife(Xemmsur- Silent Waves)
Kill Sasuke(Kyxsha- The Air Mistress)
Shadweh (Xakiah- The Shadow's Gnomon) 100
Soichi (Tamex- Ladies Man)
Sasukelover001(Deidrex- The Suicidal Flame) 35
Luna Chan (Amaterasux- The Unknown) 20
darkittylove (Setxune)45
ShizukoxIchimaru (Yuumeix)8
Dangodumpling (Tsukux)8
Troublesum Shika(Syrix)15
Blood Moon Wolf(Sparkx)5
rikusgirl101(Lerxia- The Lone Demon) 8
moonlight9 (Saphirax) 5
tigerlilly (Xena- The Techno Freak) 25
YuiKaueru (Alkaline) 8
cross roses (Healx) 20
Sixth Hoshikage (Narexurk- Silent Thunder) 50
Sukki Chan(Xetira) 35
AtticusPersona (Xatticus) 25
wofldemonchild9 (Lexanis)10
Ryochin30 (Vox) 5
Orginization #, name, Title, gender, element, weapon, items
I Xraktos-M, ?, Cypher (black whip)
II. Triskix- M, Fire, duel shadow scythe
III. Lexian- M, Darkness, Apocalypse keyblade
IV. Nyx- F, Light, Electric Guitar
V. Raxi- F, Ice, giant clear blade
VI. Xemmsur- F, water, No Existence keyblade
VII. Ximh- , M, electricity, Buster Sword
VIII. Kyxsha- F, Air, Hurricane Bazooca
IX. Rexikat- F, spirit of the tigress, Four 2" long steel chains.
Tamex-M, Water, Duel Wave Scythe
X. Xakiah- F, Shadows, Ninjatô
XI. Narexurk-M, Lightning, Charakin
XII. Deidrex- F, Fire, fire shadow blade
XIII. Amaterasux- F, morphing, any part of her
XIV. Xena-F, Techno, FCCS bracelet
XV. Healx-F, Fire, Scarlet Death (ribbon)
XVI. Setxune- M, unknown (Darkness), Shadow Blade
XVII. Yuumeix- F, Darkness, Lunar Scythe
XVIII. Tsukux- M, Spiritual, twin blades
XIX. Syrix- F, Manipulation, White Chess Piece
XX. Sparx- F, Electricity, swords
XXII. Lerxia- F, darkness, bloody mary sword
XXII. Saphirax- F, Earth, golden thorned rose
XXIII. Alkaline-F, Poison, spell book
XXIV. Xetira-F, Darkness, Sirai Blade
XXV. Xatticus- M, Earth/Blood, Staff
XXVI. Lexanis -F, Shadow, Spiked Star Chain
XXVII. Vox-M, Time, Pocket Watch
To Get into the Elite you must be very active in this club constantly contributing. Elitists also get special privileges, if I am thinking of modifying something you will be one of the first ones to know via PM, you will be squad leaders on missions, and you're major quote will be displayed on the intro. Also, Eliters's point numbers are cleared because they have already reached the higher status in the club. Everyone else still have points to rack up in activity.
"..When I gave up my heart....I didn't mean to give up my soul too....oh well no sense in dealing in the past....I will keep order in this castle...or die trying...."
"So far into the darkness that I can no longer see the light...and I like it..."
Remember, darkness does not always equal to evil. Just as light does not always bring good.
"Could one such as I, one without a heart, dare say they have felt the emotion of Love...or was it an illusion cast upon me in this endless darkness?"
"It doesn't matter how pure, full of light your heart is, It doesn't matter how cold, full of darkness your heart is. What matters is knowing if you made the right choice or not"
"Strength decides who lives and who dies. If you're strong, you survive; while if you're weak, you simply fade away. There is no "In-Between"."
Better to be a Nobody without a heart, then a somebody with a heart.
"Why would I want a heart...when everyone I would love is already dead? I have been avenged, I have no one to avenge...life as a Nobody is all that is left for me."
Organization Oblivion's sister world:CLICK has information on the apprentices if you need to look it up
Also check out here which is used for the randomness of the castle.
Prospective new members: we will decline every new member that wishes to enter the castle at this time until this arch in the story line is over. After that time, people may apply for membership. Once this arch is over, I will give more details.
Limping over cautiously, I found that Tamex had finally risen from the floor and was gingerly clutching his head; no doubt from the wound I inflicted on him earlier to shut him up. I could tell by the look in her eyes that Minx was relieved at thi...
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Stepping out of the portal, I waited outside the door to Xirian's lab. My hand lingered over the doorknob....I didn't want to go in. Though, I know I had to apologize. I had been wrong...it was only right.
"So I take it you've spoken with Nyx and things are settled?" A voice came from behind me. "Oh, don't act so surprised, you can't honestly say you didn't sense me approach. Or...are you really so distracted...RaXi?"
I took a breath and pulled my hand from the door. "And who says I was coming to see you? Perhaps I was coming to inform Xirian of a new development."
He laughed. "If that's the truth...which I know it's not...then just WHY would you be so hesitant to talk to him?" I turned around quickly, coming face to face with Verex. He was insanely close...and gazing at me with that smile of his. "Well that's a good sign...it would seem you aren't angry at me anymore at least." He spoke, brushing back a strand of my hair, tucking it gently behind my ear.
"Verex...I'm-" I was silenced by his finger on my lips.
He shook his head at me. "There's no need for that. RaXi, I should've never poked fun at you...it was wrong...and I'm sorry."
I pulled his hand away quickly. "No...you were right. I...I'm too overprotective of them. It's always been that way...I just don't know how to change. I don't think I ever CAN change..."
"You shouldn't have to RaXi...that's who you are." He laughed a little. Then he simply smiled. "I'm really glad that's cleared up though...I hated the thought of having you upset with me."
My eyes fell. He...cared too much... I thought he would back away, but to my surprise, he leaned in. I could feel his hair brush my forehead as he slowly enclosed on me. I closed my eyes...but suddenly felt a portal in the castle. LEXIAN. My eyes shot open and my head turned to the side.
Verex coughed and backed up. "Wh...What is it?" He said, scratching his cheek which was slightly flushed.
I didn't look at him, my mind was set on feeling out the rest of the castle, but it was as I feared. "Lexian...but he's alone. Triskix and the others aren't with him...this is bad." Opening a portal I quickly stepped through, just behind Lexian. "Just what the hell is going on Lexian?! Where are the others?!"
"Hello to you too...RaXi." Lexian greeted in his monotonous tone. "They're all back at Oblivion still. I returned to inform you all of the situation."
"I see." I acknowledged, taking a breath of relief. I truly feared the worst. "Well then...spit it out. What's going on? What's taking so long?"
Lexian sighed. "Xraktos has summons running around the place..."
"Summons..." I echoed, thinking back to Celsius. "Well, you should know: Our mission was successful. Xerebus is here now." I informed him. "And Lexian...there's more. It concerns his relationship to Nyx."
"What?" He spoke, giving me an odd glare.
"You'll find out from her. Come on, I'll take you where she is." I opened a portal, and instructed him to go first. Before I entered, I stopped. "Verex...I'm sorry...I'm..."
"Go." He spoke from the shadows. "I understand."
Stepping through, I found a tired Xyta being cheered on by both Nyx and Aidex. Everything came to a halt the moment they noticed us though.
hehe have at it Ash! X3
"Hey Lex..."
"Hm? What is it?" After dealing with Maxwell, Liliax and I had started looking for Tris and the others. I know Tris wanted to find Xraktos and I had to find him before he got in too far.
"You should head back to the castle and check on things...you know how Nyx worries, and you know if someone doesn't tell RaXi whats going on she'll come here herself, and we know how that'll go." he said with his typically bored look, but it seemed slightly differant this time...
"I'm sure things are fine...I pity the fool that tries to mess with Tanex or his order. Besides, we need to find Tris and the others before---"
He cut me off. "Listen Lex, I know you and Tris are like the best of friends despite how you act. HELL the way you two act only proves how close you guys are. But you gotta remember that you have friends to help you."
"Liliax we really don't have time for this right now..."
"Stop trying to do so much, you're only stressing yourself out...I'll find the brick wall and Xemmsur, and we'll catch up with Tris. You head back to the castle and relax alright?"
I sighed, arguing with him was getting me nowhere fast. "The fact that it's YOU of all people thats telling me to relax is...kinda unnerving. You usually say how 'boring' things are and tell us to do whatever" I replied, crossing my arms.
"Well...things are getting interesting today. No time to be bored..." he laughed and rubbed the back of his head. "Now just get going, I'd rather not have to give a cheesy speech about friendship."
"Heh...fine, I'll humor you this once. But if I sense anything wrong..."
"Yea yea I know...don't worry so much man."
I opened a portal "Don't mess up slacker..." I smirked.
"No worries your royal emo-ness, we got it handled." he smirked back.
I waved as I walked through the portal...his smirk still in my mind. "You all better get your asses back to the castle in one piece..." I muttered.
I walked til I was back at the castle.
"Now then...better find Nyx and RaXi first..."
Then I thought I heard a voice behind me.
Who's behind Lex? I dunno...
Ash, Kira...if y'all wanna add in feel free.
This post was kinda hard, but my brain cooperated long enough for me to get this out.
I was bored and lonely so I brought Lex back in. Maybe I'll bring in Serix next time...
Lexian: For the record, I'm emo gothic...not just emo...
Mei: I know...but "your royal emo-ness" had a better ring to it. I'll make it up to you some other time.
Nyx asked if she could speak to me. I had seen this coming, I just wondered if I really wanted to hear what she had to say. No...I couldn't do that. I had to hear her out. Giving her a grim expression, I turned back towards the girls. Xyta was wearing a bitter face.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING STANDING AROUND?!" I shouted. "Get back to your training! Or do I have to HOLD YOUR HAND?!" Pulling down her eyelid, Xyta stuck her tongue at me, but ran back to the center and started her exercises again. Aidex came back over as I extended my finger and beckoned her. "You are her supervisor Aidex. In other words, make sure she doesn't overdo it, or strain herself. I must speak with Nyx." Aidex nodded and took her place on the sideline.
"If you're too busy RaXi-" Nyx began.
I formed a portal. "This way." I stepped through. Into the room I had previously rested in, no one would disturb us here. Nyx followed, slightly hesitant. That wasn't a good sign...it meant she was debating as to whether she should tell me just what she felt she had to say. I instructed her to sit down...but she wouldn't until I did. "Nyx..."
"No...don't say anything RaXi...I'm sure you know what I'm here to talk about." She cut me off. "It's...about Xerebus...I know you don't trust him...but this is something I feel I have to tell you."
I sighed deeply and closed my eyes...but I listened. I listened to every single detail she shared with me. Who he was...who SHE remembered being. Their....relationship. Her current 'feelings'. It was...overwhelming. My finger instinctively went to my lips as I deliberated on just how to handle all of this. I must accept him? Just like that? No...I can't...I wouldn't....
"I do not condone this." I spoke harshly, standing up and turning away from her. "Even overlooking all he has done in his attempt to reclaim--" My sentence was broken off by a loud echo in my mind. Verex... 'You won't CONDONE it? Isn't that for Nyx to decide herself? You're acting like her parent....' I cringed at the thoughts...but he was right. I was wrong...I didn't have a choice here. If I refused this...Nyx...she would just leave me. And then what protection could I be to her? She...loved him. I honestly...did not comprehend this emotion. Why....if it was so great...why did it always cause so much pain? I turned around and looked at her. The smile I had wanted to remain...was nowhere to be found. It was replaced with a sorrowful expression, and what could only be described as tears were welling up in her eyes. She so very desperately needed my approval. What could only be described as 'guilt' began to swell within me. "...that is what I would say....if only I didn't know how important this is to you." I covered up with a false smile. "I will...play nice." I relinquished.
She looked more relieved, yet she was still not convinced.
"Very well, you do not believe me? I will confirm this with him myself." I spoke, opening a portal.
"RaXi, No! It's okay, I believe you!" She spoke quickly.
"Wait here. I'm going to prove it to you. You can speak to him later, and see that I mean what I say." I explained. "After all, if I'm able to be in a room alone with him, that should be enough...correct?" Before she could object, I stepped through, into his room. He was standing at the window.
The man didn't flinch, nor did he move an inch. He didn't acknowledge my presence in the slightest. "She loves the moon...did you know that?" He spoke.
I glared at him from the side. "Do not insult me. As though I don't know something so very basic about her. But if you truly wish to play this game... Did you know she hates it when we fight? She can be so careless when she wants to protect us from each other...but in the end it's her smile that forces us to stop. She adored Saix from the very core of her being, and is the most forgiving person I know. Even when...with my own hands I cut her down...it was HER that picked me up and forgave me. She loves Sea-salt ice cream...but ONLY IF she's eating it with friends. And she adores the sea...even though she hates the sunlight, she always made an exception when Demyx drug us to the beach. She..." I paused, losing myself in all I had wanted to say. He had turned to face me during my ramblings, a slight look of shock on his face. I looked straight into his eyes. "She may have been this 'goddess' previously...but she is and will always be just simple 'Nyx' to me. The funny...kind...careless girl...and I swear her smile will remain."
"Then our goals aren't so different-"
"Don't talk to me as though we are allies. I have agreed to accept you..." I spoke, approaching closer. Ice began to slowly cluster on the walls, and the floor froze over with each footstep I took. I stopped very close to him, looking into his face, I gave him a deadly glare. "However....you must fulfill your role to Nyx. She claims to 'love' you...very well then. Tarnish or betray this 'love' of hers....and I WILL hunt you down. Should the smile leave her face, and become tears...know that I will be your executioner. I will send you to Master Saix...where your hell will only continue once he hears what you did to that girl. Are we understood?"
He cracked a slight smirk. "I believe so. Quite elaborate and brash though..."
My eyes narrowed. "Smirk all you like, that is no idle threat." Turning, I formed a portal. "Think positively though, give me no reason to HUNT you...and we should be just fine."
I returned to Nyx, who was pacing nervously. I put on a smile. "There...I told him that I accept him."
Nyx gave me a sideways glance. "Just like that...? And...everything is..."
"Everything is fine." I feigned, knowing that Xerebus would never speak of my threats to Nyx. At least not if he really did care about her. That would just cause her unnecessary worry. I had presented him with a bit of a 'test' one could say. To see if they were really as close as Nyx believed. "Now...I have a favor..."
"What is it?"
"Can you please watch over Xyta and Aidex for a moment...I...have to speak with someone briefly..." I asked. She accepted the task, and I opened a portal...reluctantly stepping through after taking a deep breath.
Kira: Heh Heh....leave it to RaXi...to be as cold as ever. But I see quite the WEAKNESS! What RaXi? Can't stand for Nyx to be sad?!
RaXi: Shut your mouth, or I'll do it for you...
Kira: Aw, why so glum...grumpy? >3> OH! Could it be that you have to-**ice seals mouth**
RaXi: *-*
Kira: -x-'''
--Hope that came out alright! ^^;--
Walking back threw the portal. I kept repeating through my head those odd looks I was getting from RaXi. Then that last smile she gave me before we left kept nagging at me. I felt so horrible keeping this secret from her and she must know that som...
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