The Past, the Future, and the Present... Welcome. (Part 1)

As we stepped threw the void we ended up at the gates of Citadel Abyss. Marlex and Xeros in front, Tanex behind them and of to the right and staggered to the left a bit further behind was RaXi. I could hear Marlex talking to Xeros but I couldn’t make out the words. All my attention was directed at the castle, as darkness seems to lay a blanket over and wrap its arms around it.

Right as the Void disappeared cutting the tie to Tanex’s Castle the slack that was hanging from the invisible chain seemed to snap off, reattach itself and tighten. Tighten so much that even if I wanted to turn back around I knew I wouldn’t be able to, and that realization seem to strike a cord deep inside of me. There was no where to turn back.

"Nyx...what it is it plaguing your mind? Second thoughts?" RaXi’s voice drew me out of my thoughts and I turn to look at her.

Her eyes were set and reading every emotional that came. I knew I couldn’t hide anything from her, but I had to try. Whatever was going on I couldn’t let anyone know. I know how RaXi loathes him and I probably hurt her for saying his name before. I know if I had to work with someone that I despised I wouldn’t even want to talk to that person for awhile… yet… RaXi was here with us, how I owe her.

I wouldn’t worry her over some strange feelings, which were beginning to take on emotional qualities. There was too much going on and all of our heads needed to be in the game. ‘Simple negotiation, Simple Negotiation. In and out,’ I told myself drawing my worries, confusion, and fears in.

“No. I… Well, he is the leader of our rival Organization and we are going into his castle without an invitation. So it’s expected to have some doubts right? I mean if you don’t then you aren’t as alert and cautious, correct?” I said smiling up at RaXi using those feelings I had to my advantage.

“Yes. Yes, I guess you are right Nyx, if that is all it is about.” RaXi said turning back to look at the Castle, doubt in her voice. Which made me worry, how much has she sensed already?

“Citadel is quite different and plain since Minx is no longer acting as the defense system. It should be easier, yet we are talking about ‘that’ man. He probably has some trick up his sleeve.”

“Oh so you do remember RaXi, like I would think any less of you. I was wondering when you would feel the difference, and yes you are right. Anyway, let’s keep moving kiddies! Or we could have some unwanted host here to greet us soon. They probably have already sensed us, so let’s keep going.” Tanex called out in his cheery voice while making a Void for us.

“We can’t just make a portal to Xerebus’s chambers. One: If you have a door it is sensible to use it and not drop in; and Two: It irritates me to say this but… he has recently found a way to block his whole chamber from us, and it is something I have not figured out a way around yet. So we will have to come in threw the Main Hallway. The catch is… that hallway doesn’t only connect to Xerebus’s courters but down the other side it also connects to our chambers. Organization Zero member’s rooms, so once in we have to keep moving.” Tanex stated, turning to Marlex and Xeros giving them a slight nod and then let them go threw.

“Ladies next,” Tanex called out arm stretched out displaying the portal and giving a slight playful bow to RaXi and I.

I couldn’t hold back the laughter at seeing her glare at Tanex. Tanex knew it infuriated RaXi being labeled by a gender instead of a fighter/a person, and he did love to push her buttons. So between that threatening glare by RaXi and Tanex’s overly cheerful smile back to the woman, it was hard to stop the giggle once we made it to the other side.

Making our way down the dark colored hallway I could feel the chain tighten even more and pull at something deep inside. Weird thoughts and images kept trying to appear in the back of my mind, it was starting to drive me insane. I don’t understand what is going on but everything seems to lead to that man.

Blast him for driving my mind wild; and the closer we get the harder it is to focus on anything. We are in the middle of the Rival Organization’s main hallway, door to member’s rooms on each side of us. No telling when they could come out and attack, and all I can think of is how soft I think his Freaking Hair Is! I swear when we get there I will… I’ll—

I was cut off by hitting what felt like a wall in front of me. Rubbing my nose I looked up to see a white coat and pale pink hair, ‘Marlex must have stopped but why—.’ Then once again my thoughts were cut off again. Why did they always have to be the good once too, they never seem to happen when I think about—Darn it. Then I froze behind Marlex when a voice started talking.

I am So Sorry that it is so long, and there is still more to come. T.T
Hope everything sounds good at least!!!

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing.
Watch you smile while you are sleeping,
While you're far away and dreaming.
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender,
I could stay lost in this moment forever.

