It's almost like home, maybe it is home...


Anamx was resting still so I decided to take a walk around the castle. Walking down the halls, I let it all sink in..

So much has happened...
Between seeing the castle again and having everyone together again, it was still kinda hard to believe it's all real.

"Hah, it's almost like Master Xiggy is going to pop out of nowhere..." I stopped suddenly, it felt so long since I'd called him that, it felt so strange now. Sure, he was a idiot sometimes...but he knew how to keep things interesting that's for sure.
I hated to admit it, but I almost missed how he'd ask if I'd 'been a good boy' while he was on a mission.

"Has it...really been ten years?"

"Seems longer doesn't it? Well at least to me it feels that way..." A familiar voice said from a doorway. Just hidden enough in the shadow's that I couldn't really make out the guy, but I didn't have to. His stance and his low tone of voice gave him away.

"Marlex. Back so soon? I take that to mean it went well, you're still intact after all."

"Hm. Missed you too."

"You know your hanging out with Xeros to long, your starting to sound like him."

"Was that suposed to be a compliment Erixa?"

Ignoring his half caring question, I glanced over at door of the Anamx's room. Making sure that our talking hadn't woken him up. Question was, why would Organization Zero wish to take him if their leader was willing to assist us in the war.

"Don't worry about the kid. He can sleep like a rock, especially after everything that happened." Marlex stated walking up glancing at the door as well.

"I wish Sarixen would just finish and come back already." I whispered in frustration, turning away from the door to look out one of the hall windows on the other side. My inner voice told me to stop worrying, in a voice that sounds oddly like Xigbar, but it didn't stop me from wondering what was taking so long.
Marlex probably heard the soft whisper and knew that the statement wasn't directed at him, or anyone matter of factly. It wasn't meant to be answered or added to.
Beside he wasn't one to comfort much anyway, just wasn't him. It was just a feeling after all, and without hearts, why try it.

"Tanex wants us. He wants everyone at the meeting room so we can discuss somethings."

"Oh, so he sent you you herd the nobody sheep eh?" I turned back around, teasing the man and no doubt testing his patience. "I'll be sure to be there. I'm just going to finish somethings around here and make sure Anamx is alright."

Marlex held back an answering growl at the first part, he hated being told what to do. And he hate even more then that, being reminded that he was carrying orders and being mocked on top of it.

"Whatever. I still have to find those other three from Triskix's group. Do whatever you want see if I care." Marlex said already turning to walk away.

"It's just a joke Marx. You know you like staying with us. Having purpose and something to do!"

Without looking back he kept walking only acknowledging that he heard me with a simple rise of his arm as he continued down the hall.

Watching him walk away, I laughed to myself a little. That angry little wind kid I knew had grown up...they all had.
"Great, I'm making myself feel old now..." I sighed and rubbed my temples.



"Alright Master Xigbar, I was a 'good boy' and finally came home...but where are you?"


Many thanks to Ash for helping me with this one //_^

My first time acting as Erixa and certainly not the last, once this kicks back off, I'll try my hand at the others as well.
Next (hopefully) will be a Nyx/Lexian convo, and maybe another glimpse into Lex's mind eh? >;P

Nyx knows Lex and Xiri won't talk to each other and won't stand for it, so she meddles lol.
*in Narrator voice* Next time on Oblivion, "Mending the Broken Ties Between Old Friends"
