The Red Shinigami

“Everyone keep moving!” shouted Minx as we quickly made our way up the stairs. Individually, the feat was a rather simple one, but with all of the people involved I felt as though I was surrounded by a herd of eager and frightened cattle. For a moment, I angrily pondered about how long it would take to finally escape from this predicament until I saw the figure of a red-headed individual set with a permanent scowl on his face along with two other Nobodies that I was not familiar with. Smirking to myself, I nodded at Triskix and proceeded to aid Minx and Tamex with crowd control.

These efforts did not seem to work, and as the clamor of what was going to turn into an unruly mob grew stronger Triskix, who clearly seemed furious at the turn of events, roared, “ENOUGH!” As he did so flames spewed out of the walls and floor below us. With that, everyone went silent and waited for whatever was to come next.

In a sharp, clear voice, he delivered to them exactly what they were waiting for. “I am Triskix, leader of Organization Oblivion, and I will be heard.”

Good, I smirked as he finished that declaration, you’re finally breaking out of your cage.

“I have come to release you from the dungeons, but I see that you have already managed to come far.” He looked around attentively to the crowed and continued, “But I will take command of this. I refuse any chaos that can be avoided. All of you move in calm fashion. DO NOT open a portal and flee like cowards or I will personally hunt you down later and watch you fade into nothingness with my scythe at your throat.”

No one dared move. Perhaps everyone else was trembling from the threat; I myself found this order exciting, if not all too tempting to break.

Acknowledging that everyone heard his intentions and engraved it into their memory Triskix ordered, “Everyone up the stairs and through the hallways. Spread throughout the castle and alert me if you find any of Xraktos’ summons still in the castle. That is all for now.” Just as he annunciated the last syllable he turned quickly and made his way up the stairs with everyone following his lead.

As it turned out, Triskix’s last orders were issued in vain. Void of any remaining summons in the castle, we found no other reason to stay and promptly transported ourselves to our temporary refuge. When I arrived I was slightly disturbed to find that it was an exact replica of Castle Oblivion, back in the days when the original Organization XIII was still active and conducting business behind the scenes. On the one hand, I did approve of the architecture, but on the other hand I just could not wrap my mind around why the manufacturer of this place would bother trying to mimic a group of foolish failures; more specifically, fools that could not see past their own selfish desires.

At first, I detected many familiar auras in the castle. To have a more accurate representation of who was present though I decided to channel my magic into my eyes and look around. Of the ones I could identify by name included RaXi, Verex, Nyx, Triskix, Xena, Setxune, Xerebus, and…Etxel.


Wow, it’s been such a long time since I last did a real post on this world (and to think the majority of this one is the result of one that was established…sometime back). I hope this continues! And speaking of continuing, does anyone wish to intercept Xakiah before I put up the next post concerning her and Etxel? ^_^

Xakiah: (*looks at future post*) You wouldn’t dare post that sap up… o__o;

Me: (*evil laughter!!!*) >D

Xakiah: …I’ll get you for this.
