"Who said I was melting it?" I smirked, pouring out lava. The Lava turned into ice skates and I skated towards Xait. Xait threw his rama on my neck and blood came out. The blood hit the ice like acid. I grabbed some ice and out a little bit of lava in it.
"Snowball fight!" I yelled, throwing snowballs randomly. Half of them hit Xait, the other half hit Triskix. Ice shattered around the arena. The battle with Nyx was interupted for a second as snowballs were hitting at everyone. The dool that Nyx used was throwing snowballs as well.
"Now as the Jonas Brother's might say," I said then sung the song, "I'm burning up, Burning up for you, baby!"
"I HATE THE JONAS BROTHER'S!" Xait screamed. I summoned up a storm could and it rained fire, lava and molten rock.
Please continue...