Attackers, Defenders

Before I could find out too much else on the matter, Nyx stepped through a portal that had just appeared. The gist of things were explained and the next appropriate action discussed.

"Lexian will probably need our help." Nyx stated ushering in the three who'd formed the portal. "We need someone to stay here, just in case Akane doubles back. She did want to destroy this place first, and the someone that should stay here, with their own group, should be one of the main commanders."

At this comment, I knew immediately she meant me. As far as seniority went in this castle...I was definitely high up on the pillar. Due to not only my skills, but my knowledge of, and past tied firmly to this castle. So she's already formed us up in her minds to be the four generals... I was an old joke from the past.

She had a look of anxiety on her face. As though she were afraid to speak her next sentence to me...worried about my reaction. "RaXi will you stay here with the other Nobodies? If she doubles back, we need a strong defense to stop her." She finally asked.

I smiled slightly. "I see now Nyx. That look on your face says it all. You're actually worried about me going out. The truth of the matter is...if I were at full would be us two to fetch them. Is that what you thought?" I grinned. "You underestimate me...but not only miscalculate. No matter what, it would not be us TWO to venture out after them. No, things aren't as they were in the past. We have become the leader-figures here in the castle. Like it or not, that burden is now ours. And with both Lexian and Triskix absent, we must fill their positions until their return. One of us must ALWAYS be here to defend the keep. It is our duty...our role." I was making quite a speech I just calmly smiled. "I was going to volunteer for the defense anyways. Though not because I'm too powered-down to participate, understand? So there's no need to worry, you go, and you bring them back by their ears!"

Nyx smiled with relief. At times, she seemed so human...

Suddenly, the Nobody I'd run into called out her decision. She opened a portal and took off for Atlantica alone. She didn't halt when Nyx asked her to...and before any of us could disapprove, she was gone.

"Well...she was certainly hasty." Amaterasux stated looking up for a brief moment from behind her book. "It's her funeral..." She concluded...returning to her book.

Hand over my face, I turned back to the matter at hand, and stopped Nyx before she left. "Nyx, before you go, I believe you should rethink sending a party out for Triskix." I stated firmly. "I've got a feeling he's not as safe in Atlantica as you believe. I will make the necessary preparations...but since he left you in charge, I'll need your approval. Shall I send a party after him? For safety precautions?" I asked her, and remained silent as I awaited her response. I didn't know what it was...there was just a feeling in my gut telling me the knuckle-head was in trouble yet again...

She looked back at me...examining the serious look in my eye and contemplating the situation in her own mind.

