The search for Nyx

My anger blinded me, i couldn't tell were i was going or what i was doing all i knew was that i was furious. A heartless appered out of nowhere, it hadn't a chance, i destroyed it without even a single glance.
I ended up next to Lexian for some reason. My anger supsided enough for me to figure out what they were saying. Nyx had followed them...
I used a porthole and appered ifnfront of Ayrax. i Flung her into the side of a wall and stared at her eyes, pinning her to the wall.
"Wha.. i don't know.. wha"
"WHERE IS SHE" All i heard was a demonic voice saying what i was thinking... but there was no time time to to start justifying things, I felt my eyes turn from blue to Pitch black, like the darkness that i thrived in.
"Nyx went with the other organisation, NOW TELL ME WHERE THEY ARE"
"I can't i don't know where they are, I ... I"
"Let go of her." Triskix's hand appered on my wrist with a a fire ball aimed at my face. I let go of Ayrax's uniform and she rushed out of our way.
"I need to know where they are!! I'm going to rip Jarix to SHREDS"
"And you don't do that by threating....."
"I've had enough, That man drove my friend to killing herself i will not let him live!!'
"Didn't you say you killed her?"
"I NEED TO KNOW WHERE HE IS!!" i opened a porthole and exited just infront of Ayrax again, she began to take steps away from me.
"Ayrax, i'm sorry. It's just that i need to avenge the only person that ment anything to me, please you have to help." I stared at her eyes just waiting for an answear. i could finall feel my temper begin to die down, me eyes were turning back to there normal blue
"i'm sorry but i can't find them, their nowhere to be found."
"Understood." Triskix had followed me through the porthole to enforce his 'RULES' if i had tried to hurt Ayrax again, but he stopped and merley whispered in my ear as i walked past.
"If you undermine me again i am going to.."
"Burn me at the stake i got it, don't worry. But what are you going to do about Nyx, If we can't get to her, she can't get to us... Right?"
Please Continue.
