A Grander Scheme...

"Hehehehehe this was fun," Minx's voice said, "But I have to get back to my Leader and tell what has happened heheheheheh oh and don't even think about asking the Queen heheheh she's been taken care of. Heheheeh just know that she's somewhere in nothingness hehehehe...."

"Come out now!" Triskix yelled, but it was instantly apparent that Minx had left. He looked over at me...all I could do was return the blank gaze.

"The Queen?" I asked curiously.

"Of Hearts." He answered. "So it seems...this Organization...is willing to kill...."

We rushed back to investigate ourselves...if what she'd said was indeed true. It was. The cards were all in disarray. Some were injured...o_O...laying face down and moaning. While the others ran around screaming, crying, and whining.

"You there! Knave, stop!" Triskix shouted. The card he'd called out to stopped and came over to him.


"Calm yourself!" Triskix growled. "So the Queen is indeed dead? This is what you are saying? With your own eyes you witnessed this?"

"That's right..." He affirmed breaking down into a fit of tears and sobs. "And its...all...your...." He wavered.

"HER HEAD!!" One screamed in the background..."Our DEAR QUEEN!!!"

Triskix looked to me. "This is bad. Now this world's balance will be shifted. The only order there was...destroyed. They really aren't playing around here."

I mulled this over silently in my head.

"Nevertheless...it serves no purpose for us to remain any longer." He spoke again. Walking up he put his hand on my shoulder. "Come RaXi. There's much to do."

I nodded and followed him as we left. Returning once more to the clearing. Triskix stopped...deep in thought.

"Triskix." I began. "You said they sent out others to destroy our members. But to what end? I mean...they've already failed in that respect once...and yet...they repeat their mistake again..." I contemplated. "Unless...they mean only to..."

"Distract us and cause more rampant chaos within the worlds." He finished. "It has to be. They must have another purpose. Just as they did here." He paused then started walking again. "We should go."

"Wait." I called out. "One more thing."

He turned his full attention to me without a single word.

"Why were you sent here in the first place?" I asked. "What task did the Leader assign you...he knows more than he's telling...doesn't he? You know more than you admit...tell me...I can help you." I paused. There was still one more issue that bothered me...I had to get it out now...while we were alone. "And that's not all...while I wouldn't dare dwell on it...I also believe you know that Minx child as well...care to share with me?"

Continue Soji! ^^
