Familiar moments, Old times ended...

Right when everyone was starting to act like normal Triskix had to leave. Lexian and Triskix were fighting over who could get the most attention, like normal. While Xemmsur and I tried to ignore the egomaniacs, and at the same time RaXi would be—

RaXi, I wonder where you are right now. When are you coming back?’ I found myself thinking in my head and for some reason a dull pain erupted every time I thought of her. ‘I hope she’s okay.

RaXi and Triskix both have a lot in common. Each of them thinks that they can change the world without help from anyone. I guess it is in their nature though. Sense Fire can create life and destroy it; the same with Ice. who would have thought those two opposites could be so similar.

Looking away from Lexian after I gave him a small ‘be nice’ glare, I turned back to Tamex and Xemmsur. I don’t recall seeing him before yet Triskix called him by his name. The nickname he had for Triskix was funny, and the use of words when Lexian was not seen at first was humorous. Snapping out of what he said before, I guess introductions should be made to start that real conversation.

“Hi! My name is Nyx, number 4 of Organization Oblivion. Don’t mind Lex… that’s… just him.” Before I could say anything else Lexian did his own more formal intro.

“Lexian, third in command of Organization Oblivion and one of the original apprentices. Along with Xemmsur and Nyx.” Motioning over to Xemmsur and I after our names were called.

Holding in a laughter I realized that Lexian’s abrupt actions were due to his ‘Strong and Manly, ‘Emo’ Pride’ was still hurt after the ‘ladies’ comment from before. So as men do, his job at the moment was to pick up the rest of the pieces and built it up as quickly as possible. Being in third command just made it a little easier for him too.

The pride of men, the unspoken bond they have to each other. Year’s times put into it and watch as it is so easily shot down.’ Laughing in my head I looked over to Xemmsur, seeing that she had come to that very conclusion, of the male’s pride, as well.

“Anyway. Will you be staying with us? Um… Tamex correct? If you are then welcome to Castle Oblivion! If you don’t mind my asking, how do you know Triskix already?”

Friendship isn't a big thing-
it's a million little things.

