Wooo Boy

A knock at the door interrupted our laughter again. We all looked around at each other and Triskix had this look in his eye that said 'Who dare interrupt us?'

Triskix walked over to the door and opened it to a guy I have yet to meet yeah. I felt the presents of a new nobody a few days ago. This must be him.

"Tamex, what do you want?" Triskix asked.

"Well pryo guy, I came back after a bit of a personal vaca and the Leader asked me to......" I watched his gaze Direct over to me and Nyx. "What are you doing with ladies in your room? That is not gentle man like at all."

Wha- What did he think we were doing in here? There was an awkward silence.

"Oh I get it ok, some private meeting for the elitists or something. Are ya makin' a cult without me?"

He told Triskix that the leader wanted to talk to him. He left leavening me, Nyx, and Lex with... Tamex.

"Sooooooo," Tamex started making his way over to Nyx and me. "And who are you beautiful ladies?" He stopped and there was another awkward silence. I didn't know what was going on. Was he flirting? "Well if ya didn't know, my name is Tamex and I am here to serve the beautiful ladies such as yourselves."

Yes, he was. I looked to Nyx and Lexian. They both had looks of pure shock.

Tamex began sniffing the air and coming closer to me. "You smell like the ocean."

"Ummmm, thanks?" I was at a lost for words.

"I bet your element is water. So is mine! We can be best friends." He said with a huge grin.

"Ummmm," He was making me lose my cool and I swear I was starting to blush too. Luckily Lexian hit him in the head.

Nyx asked him exactly who he was; which he explained in one breath. Then Nyx introduced herself then Lexain introduced him and me. This was good because I don’t think I could talk yet.

Suddenly a portal opened in the room. No one stepped out so I thought we were to go through it.

"Ummm, I think we are being requested somewhere else." I said shyly.

"Right," said Nyx. "Well it was ermmm, nice talking to you Tamex."

I rushed through the portal with Nyx and Lexain behind me. On the other side I found myself in a place I thought I would never see again.

"Is this the-"

"Yup," said Triskix, who was standing next to the leader.

I didn't know if you wanted us to come in yet, but Rexi came and there was nothing else to do. Plus! Xemmsur was excited to come here! ^^ lolz
