Promise kept?

“Yeah… he did.” I commented back to Xemmsur

Then in the middle of his answer I felt like a sharp familiar prick in my mind. I couldn’t remember what this feeling was so I brushed it off. That is until after a few moments a portal appeared and Lexian said something about a meeting we have to attend.

“Sorry Tamex, but we have to go. We still have many rooms. Just pick a tower, floor and choose any open room! It sounds like the leader doesn’t have anything planed for anyone else, so feel free to relax and look around.”

When we walked threw the portal I was glade that I was behind our little group, because when we walk into the meeting room my legs almost gave out. I took a sharp intake of breath and looked all around from the bright white floor to the highest chair, it looked just like the old days.

I saw that Kyxsha and Ximh appeared here as well and where taking in the magic of the huge room. A sense of pride came over me, that I knew who built it and whom used to sit in these chairs. A portal open in the corner and Rexikat walked out of it.

"Please take a seat, preferably your own. That would be nice." The leaders voice broke threw the awkward silence.

The fourth chair was the one for me to sit in, I guess Vexen’s old chair. Porting up to it I turned to look at everyone as they took their seats. Above me in Xigbar’s seat sat Triskix, and below him in Xaldin’s was Lexian. Looking below I saw Lexaeus’s seat still empty, ‘RaXi… What is going on? Oh, I wish you where here.’ In Zexion’s seat sat Xemmsur smiling at her I glanced at Lexian, and I thought I saw pain in his eyes.

A blinding stabbing sensation flew up to my chest, where my heart would be, when I saw that Saix’s seat was occupied. I remembered sitting there with him, so many years ago. And for once I was glade to hear his treacherous voice.

"Now then," the leader started. "You are the elite group, and as such I expect only the best out of all of you."

"Why...." Xemmsur started to saw but Lexian cut her off. Saving her from not getting into trouble with our questionable leader.

"Also, there will be meetings of this sort for a while if it proves useful," the Leader continued. "A matter has appeared. I gave RaXi one week off to do as she chooses, and during this week, she has been captured by Villains. Before knowing this, Triskix asked that I give him a week to try and hunt down information on the apprentices. The debate is over saving RaXi or keeping two promises. Now then, I have already decided that I will keep the promises, but if by the end of this debate, I feel that it would be in my best interest to break the promise then I will do so."

Then everything broke out after a minute. With everyone having his or her own thoughts about what should happen. Triskix having enough of the chaos yelled out and bright reddish, bluish fire broke out and roared to life around us, immediately silencing everyone that wished to live.

I began to think about what would be the best move… and my thoughts drifted to ‘What would Saix do?’ RaXi speech traveled to my mind once again, and the promise I made to her. Extra confidence drifted threw me, standing up on top of my seat I looked up to Triskix and then turned to everyone else.

“Lexian is right the memories may make us slow down, and like Kyxsha said there maybe a trap. Where ever there is a puppet there is a puppet master as Ximh stated. All of this maybe right.” Turning back to Triskix and the leader I continued.

“We can’t let ourselves be split, not when we need to know more about these memories. That is why I humbly ask that we do like Xemmsur and Rexikat said. Let me go to get RaXi, I have trained with her for years I can sense her energy even at its lowest. I can find her, and I have hardly used any power in battle, and my memories seem to come at a slower rate then everyone else. When they do appear they have no direct contact to me, they are mostly group images and are short.”

“I wish to have the privilege to go… leader.” Giving a short bow. The last part was the hardest to say to openly call him an authority figure.

“A group will draw attention and they will sense the energy. It will be harder to pick out one presence, and I have been taught to block out some of my energy. Allow me to go search for her, I will put everything in it to find RaXi and bring her back. It was my promise to her after all. Let me. Find her.”

Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love,
the things you are, the things you never want to lose.

