Special meetings ^^

When everyone took their seats the leader began talking. Apparently Raxi had gotten herself captured and now we were to debate on rather to go save her or keep her promise and let her be gone for a week.

In my mind I saw no hesitation to not get our butts out there right now and save her. The debate seemed more like 'Should we go save Raxi or let her get into the hands of Zero while we sit here and try to remember our past'.

I remained quiet for most of the meeting except for a few outbursts that got me a few glairs.

Kyxsha and Ximh both up good points about it being a trap. But in the end Nyx said she would go and save Raxi, alone.

Of course everyone reacted to this and said it was too dangerous. Lexian tried to go but the leader turned him down and said he was having to many memories.

Well that counts me out. We all have been having a lot of flash backs. Even if mine or little things... or do those canceled out like Nyx's group ones. I guess Lex and Tris are the only two who have been having real memories. But I still don't like the idea of her going alone.

"Nyx may go alone," the Leader said. "She can defend herself just fine."

"But..." I protested but stopped. I got a sudden weird feeling in my head. The leader was staring at me from across the room. He was trying to enter my mind. I flinched away, like it would help. But he eventfully got in and I sat as he went through my thoughts. Is this how Triskix feels? Sharing everything he is with the leader all the time? The leader suddenly left my head.

"Fine," the Leader said calmly. "Nyx and Xemmsur may go find RaXi, but that is it."

"WHAT!" Kyxsha roared. There was a tense energy in the air and for no reason Triskix summoned his weapon. I waited patiently for whatever else needed to be said, so that me and Nyx could go and get Raxi. I would try hard not to mess this one up.
