Fine then

"Thank you. My only request is to leave immediately...sir." Nyx said.

I held my hand up ready to open a portal out of here, still unsure if this was a good idea. I wanted to talk against the leader and tell him not to make me go. But I couldn’t bring myself to it. He scared me more then when I first met Triskix and that was... bad. Why did he pick me to go any ways?

I was going to open to portal when Rexi voiced her opinion. She too did not want me to go. What she spoke was true. I wasn't the best fighter. And from the look Kyxsha had I could tell she was thinking the same thing. Not to mention Triskix was glairing daggers for not being able to go. I suddenly got the hurting feeling in the pit of my stomach as I waited for the leader to dismiss us.

He finally did and I wasted no time getting out of there.

Nyx said we should go gather up whatever we needed before we left. She portaled off somewhere and left me in the hall. I had everything I needed with me already so I headed to the front gates to wait.

My stomach was doing flips as I waited for Nyx. No one was happy with me going and I wasn't sure I could pull this off myself. I tried to concentrate on something else while I waited; like remembering the apprentices.

Nyx portaled in front of me. I must have had some look on my face because she asked me what was wrong.

"It's nothing. I'm fine really just a little nervous."

"You’re going to be fine. And don't worry about everyone else. This is your chance to prove them wrong." Nyx always did her best to make people feel better.

I faked a smile for her. "Ok, so how do we get there? You were there once, weren’t you?"

Sophia: lolz I didn't know everyone would get all up tight about Xemmsur going. Maybe I will make her mess up, so it ticks everyone off even more. xDDDDD

Xemmsur: ignore that. She has been off all day. You should have seen her in History today.

Sophia: 8D
