
Nyx was up against the wall trying to help herself up. The water around her was red from blood. I rushed over to her to help her stand up.

"Xemmsur are you alright?"

"Am I alright? Look at you! What happened?" I was afraid to even bump her anywhere; she looked like she would fall apart any second.

I could hear the sound of footsteps coming down the hall.

"Xemmsur, can you make a portal?" Nyx asked me.

I carefully pulled her good arm over my shoulder and let her lean on me. I opened a portal and hurried us threw as fast as Nyx would move.

When we got into the infirmary the confused faces turned to shock.

"What the hell happened?" Kyxsha yelled as she rushed over to help me with Nyx.

"I don't know. I think it was Raxi.... She was like this before she tried to fight Marlex. Wait where is Raxi?"

There was a scream from the hall, it sounded like Raxi. I helped Nyx get to a bed then ran out to the hall. Lexian and Triskix where there kneeling on the ground next to Raxi. She was muttering that we were all dead.

Lexian and Triskix got her to believe we were still alive. But she still looked frantic and a little crazy.

"What about Nyx and Xemmsur?" Lexian asked.

"I'm right here," I said from the door way. "And Nyx is in the other room. She is really hurt." Everyone looked up at me for a second. I looked down at myself. My coat was full of blood and soaking wet.

"What happened?" Triskix asked standing up.

"We got there right when Marlex arrived to get Raxi. I don't know what happened to Nyx, but even in her condition she tried to fight Marlex. I took over for her.... and he erm.... I let him get away."
