
"Ten minutes..." I heard RaXi mumble out as we began running up the steep stairs. The top was slowing coming into view and RaXi was just ahead of me, when all of a sudden I couldn't feel anything under my feet anymore. Black wispy fog ran across my body and I could feel myself fall into the darkness.

I could hear RaXi yell out my name and caught sight of ice coming at me, but before it was even near me it disappeared into the dark. The energy emitting from the portal felt familiar, but I couldn’t remember whose energy it was. All I knew that it was powerful... yet comforting.

"RaXi!" I called up from the darkness slowly wrapping around my form. "Don't worry about me! Go!! Complete the mission...I'll be alright!!!"

Falling down, it felt like I would fall forever that is until I hit the cold unforgiving ground floor. The last thing I remembering seeing was RaXi’s worried face, before I was plunged into the dark abyss nothingness of unconsciousness.

Got to go for the moment. Will type more later… ^^


