Shouldn't I...

I stood there for several minutes...wondering just what side the man before me was on. We'd had many run-ins...yet I just didn't know. Whether he was my foe...whether I could fight him...whether I could truly put myself in it to destroy them. Suddenly the area around us began to fade and I felt the room shift. It had been ten minutes...yet this was not the South Wing as Xakiah had said. Perhaps since I'd reached the top?

"No RaXi...this is where I wanted it to shift." The man explained. "We are alone here..."

It was a white room...vast and devoid of anything. Just a large white space...and yet...I sensed Minx's pulsating energy very close. Perhaps closer than from the stairs.

"So then Verex...where DO you stand? I tire of this...this game we play. Never knowing when you are my enemy..." I finally stated, still in my defensive stance. I hadn't moved...nor taken my eyes from him in a moment.

He looked deeply saddened...and somewhat confused as well. I could see the sweat on his brow...he was in pain. "So you did not come here as result of my message? You did not receive it?"

"Message?" I questioned, lowering my guard a bit. I remembered Rexikat's words now. 'When you are well, look me up...I have a message from someone dear to you...'

“I need you to help me. I need a way out of this, to get away from these bonds. I can't take it anymore, especially now that I can't even help those I care for...” He stated as though reciting a verse. “That was my message for you RaXi...I’m deeply saddened that it never reached your ears, for now I’m afraid I had false hope from finding you here.”

I was at a loss for words. I had wanted to give him the help he sought...all this time...the quest I went was all to free HIM, and Triskix as well...but it was too early. I had no idea which method would work...He was staring at me with his golden eyes. Such a sad gaze plastered upon his handsome face.
“I can’t take it anymore were in trouble and yet...I wasn’t able to come for you.” He conveyed, his state was growing more severe...the sweat on his brow increasing. “My bonds grow leash the point, I can’t even leave this hell...not unless I am given orders. And the orders themselves, only get more difficult to defy. All because of what I know of him...”

“Xerebus?” I questioned coming close to him. “Verex...I don’t know how to help you yet but...”

“RaXi!” Verex shouted grabbing my shoulders. “Don’t you very much I...”

KILL HER NOW VEREX! A voice in his mind continually pulsed. DO IT....KILL HER....

I was slammed hard against the wall, it knocked the air out of me slightly. I looked up at him, he was tormented, fighting something within. “Verex? It’s Xerebus...isn’t it?! He’s telling you to kill me!” I shouted at him grabbing his shoulders now. He was so close to me and I just couldn’t stand seeing him in this pain.

He took my hand and lifted it up revealing the daggers in my sleeve. “Do it RaXi...kill me now. You can do it...I wouldn’t want anyone else to...please...I don‘t want to hurt you...”

I looked into his eyes. Why a kiss! A kiss can break ANY spell!! Snow white’s words echoed loudly in my memory. I wanted to shake the thought from my mind...but if it WOULD work...shouldn’t I at least try it. If there was a way I could lighten his pain...possibly take it all away. Shouldn’t I try?

I put my hands on his cheek. “I won’t kill you Verex. I want to free you...” Slowly I moved in closer and closer...he stood unmoving. Closing my eyes our lips were so close now.

“RAXI!” A voice boomed from the entrance of the room.

My eyes snapped open and I pulled away quickly to look at the all-too familiar voice. "Marlex?"

He stood there in the doorway, anger written all over his face.

“I knew it was you...” He stated walking in. “You aren’t even bothering to hide your presence. I thought I was mistaken...” He continued casually, though anger was flaring from his eyes. “I failed to bring you here...but yet you came of your own will. I can’t help but to wonder...why?”

I stepped aside. “Stay out of my way Marlex. I already told you, I won’t hesitate to kill you...”

“Yes, you said that.” He accepted. “Yet that’s not what it looked like just now. Or does Verex not apply to that equation?”

I was silent. I had to get to Minx, I didn’t have the time nor the will to take part in this confrontation. I bore Marlex no grudge...yet it seemed I was constantly being pitted against those I had no desire to battle.

“RaXi, do what you came here to do.” Verex stated stepping before me and drawing out his spear. “To the right...the third door on the left. You will find Minx.”

“What are you doing Verex? Drawing your weapon on me? Bad Move.” Marlex stated drawing out his own gwan-do.

“Go.” Verex insisted and the spear ends began to flare brightly. “Don’t worry RaXi...if anyone will kill’ll be you.”

I wanted to stop him...wanted to keep him out of this...but I had to hurry. Marlex didn’t object or try to stop me, so without a moments hesitation I ran out the door and straight to Minx’s room.

I halted just outside...building up the courage to stop this child.

Kira: Oh me oh my!!! What a development?!! Did I have you all on the edge of ur seats there for a minute??? ^^

RaXi: You are enjoying my misery FAR too much! >.>'
