Where is this?

My head pounded and my limbs felt like little needles where digging into my skin, but I was awake. Opening my eyes I slowly looked around my surroundings. It looked like I was in some kind of courtyard, but I knew that couldn’t be right Minx locked us inside the castle. Standing to my feet in the distance three cloaked figures could be seen but I couldn’t make them out. As they drew closer I readied myself for any kind of attack. The sky above slowly grew dark and mist of rain played and danced across the earth, rolling over the ground in an unsung rhythm.

I tried figuring it out how I even got outside, Minx made a barrier for no one to come or go, unless RaXi or Xakiah were able to dispatch the barrier somehow. I didn’t think that I was unconscious for that long though. Once the three people were a couple yards away two of them removed their hoods.

To the left a shorter man with dark brown hair and bright golden eyes raised his head and smirked, as if in an all-knowing way. On the other side, to the right, a man with pale pink stood tall, Grey eyes scanned his surroundings. In the middle another man stood, his familiar bright blue eyes peered out from under his hood, a small smiled was spread across his face.

The man in the middle spread and raised his arms, and as if on cue the two other men attacked. The one we know as Marlex attacked first with a gust of wind. Quickly making a small barrier of light I blocked the slicing wind, and as Marlex kept the spurts of wind up the ground below me began to shake and vines crept out of the ground. Cutting the vines that seeped out of a small hole I quickly jumped up into the air between one of Marlex’s spurts of wind, and used one of the left over gusts of wind to get myself out of trap that was forming. Landing farther back from the familiar men my guitar appeared in my hands.

Smirking, the man to the left with brown hair jumped into the air and lifted his hand out to my direction. Memories flashed back from a long ago fight, and with out thinking I grasped my guitar tighter in one hand and swung myself around in a circle creating a shield of light. Blocking his oncoming attack I stuck the small spear, at the bottom of my guitar, into the ground and as the plants that survived the first attack proceeded to come at me. I played an E sharp and from the vibrations that shook the ground I bounced an intense amount of light off them cutting threw the encircling plants, and also starting the man above.

The sudden intensity of the impact of light sent him flying back hitting the stone wall of the castle; sliding down the unforgiving wall I felt a pain somewhere in my body for hurting an old unremembered friend. Without warning a gust of wind sent me flying threw the air and crashing into an old fountain in the middle of the courtyard. Sprawled out in the broken bowl of the fountain, water spilled out from the whole in the side. Mind foggy from the hard hit I was not ready for, I began to wonder how all of these attacks where so silent and so unstable. Something seemed off about the whole thing, but I couldn’t dwell on that now. There were other things that needed my attention at the moment.

I really did not wish to hurt Marlex or the other guy; I still consider them my friends. I did promise RaXi… but I still… I couldn’t really hurt, hurt them. Maybe I can make my own escape then I will not have to fight them. Climbing out of the ruins of the previous beautiful fountain, I turned back to Marlex and the others only to find them gone. Closing my eyes I listened to everything around me trying to find where they are at, but before I could fully extend my presence to feel around for the missing men. Something drew me out of my state.

Whipping around I saw a massive vine come at me threatening to run me threw, my guitar disappeared from the last attack and I couldn’t summon it back in time to block it. The only chance I had was to hopefully dodge the incoming vine. Diving to the side I landed hard on my left shoulder, I could feel the still new tissue tear from the impact. Groaning I raised my right arm to make a barrier from any other attacks that may take place, and sure enough something skimmed across the top of the barrier and another thing threatened to cut its way threw.

I could only hold it up for so long, and when I hit some kind of storage shed and went flew threw it, the barrier vanished and I found myself lying under a grove of trees. Lying there for I moment I thought of the ground. It was so weird… it wasn’t like you could feel the grass or smell the trees. The ground was so cold and hard, and everything had, like a musty smell.

“What kind of place is this?” I mumbled to myself.

Sitting up I could feel a warm liquid run down my face from a bruising cut on the top of my head. My shoulder screamed at me once more, but it was only a dull pain. I making my guitar appear I grasped the neck of it to help myself stand. Looking around the environment all I saw was more and more plants. Jumping out of the dense plant life I tried finding some where to go, but around every corner was the same thing. Then finally a sound was made, but it wasn’t a welcoming sound.

The steady mist of rain turned to a start of a downpour, and sky darkened to almost a point of invisibility to the normal eye. A familiar scream ran threw the darkness again running as fast I could I came up on a hill and on top of the hill were the three men again. I yelled out to them, asking what is going on, but they seemed unfazed. Attacking at me all at once Marlex jumped into the air swinging his Gwan-do and the other man drew out plant life from the ground to attack at me.

Bracing myself for impact I called out to the light to make a barrier around myself, I didn’t want to attack them. The man in the middle only laughed at the defensive act. A strong amount of wind whipped around the area and Marlex’s Gwan-do seemed to glow with the compressed wind surrounding the blade and hilt of the weapon.

The other man stood on top of a sea of plants as waves of the green mess sent spikes at the barrier, as if it was a warning before it really attacked. Closer they came the stronger the wind became and the bigger and sturdier the spikes seemed to be. I knew I should do a full out attack, but I still saw the child visions of the men. Even though I couldn’t fully remember all of them I knew hurting them was bad. They were still my friends no matter what.

Will post the rest later! Then it isn't too long. lol

[CENTER]"Sometimes goodbye is a Second Chance..."

