
WHY! Why did memories flood me now?!........

--One by one the castle was filled with children. At first...I had thought I would never get along with ANY of them...but slowly I began to accept their presences....and without realizing it...even became fond of them. The way Triskix would TRY my all of the boys' ruff-housing would drive me up the wall trying to keep the peace...the sincerity in Nyx as she followed me everywhere loyally and kept me company...and the way Xemmsur always seemed so peaceful and happy.

"Why must they always scuffle? It's so straining keeping them in line." Sarixen moaned walking through the halls. "RaXi, you have to keep your composure a bit more as well. Triskix gets under your skin too easily."

"I know...but I have to fight fire with ice!" I emphasized. "I'm the only one who seems able to keep him in line...I don't mean to go overboard..."

Sarixen laughed. " need to feel bad now. Want me to lock you in Marluxia's closet?" He joked.

I laughed. Sarixen was older than me...he was...the closest thing I had to an 'older brother-like figure'. Ari had brothers...but they were all cruel...Sarixen wasn't ANYTHING like them. Sarixen and I...we tried to keep the peace in the castle. He did it because it was in his nature...but I did it for Marluxia. I had promised to protect the other children...and to keep them in line. Therefore, keeping them safe...because Xemnas wasn't one to hold back punishment simply because you were a CHILD.

"I still don't see anything wrong with it..." I moped. "Marluxia-sama's closet I mean..."

Sarixen laughed and looked at me...his jade green eye so brilliantly offsetting his amber-colored one. "That's because you idolize that man." He stated flatly. "Well RaXi, I'm off now for my training. Behave yourself."

"I always do!" I shouted after him. I was suddenly tackled from behind.

"RAXI!" It was Tanex. "Hide me! I don't want to train today!! It's so hard and...I NEVER GET TO HAVE ANY FUN!" He whined.

I sighed and stood up. " know Xemnas would be FURIOUS right?"

He didn't say a word...just looked straight at me with those big-blue begging eyes of his.

I sighed and formed a portal. "Hurry up...we'll go to Twilight Town for awhile...alright? I'll get you an ice cream...but then you have to promise to go STRAIGHT BACK and train!"

"I promise!" He shouted rushing through. It was TOTALLY against the rules for me to even LEAVE the castle...Portals were FORBIDDEN to students. But that never stopped me...and I sympathized with Tanex. I don't know how many of Saix's lessons I'd skipped out on. Escaping to various worlds...just to get away from the TORTURE and PAIN I HAD to go through...though I could never run from it FOREVER....

As we sat there...all Tanex seemed to go on about was how cute Nyx was, how she was like his little we were ALL family and could NEVER split up.

"Because the apprentices of the XIII...we'll never truly split apart no matter what happens. It's our destiny to be one. No matter what..." He spoke after finishing his ice cream...his eyes strangely serious and fixated onto that glorious sunset. "Right RaXi?"

"Whatever you say Tanex...whatever you say." I acquiesced.

Upon our return...I'd gotten scolded harshly. First from Marluxia...and then from Saix for missing my lesson. They claimed to have saved me from Xemnas's wrath. For my punishment...

My eyes snapped open and I stood up. Xakiah was standing over Nyx...still trapped inside her mind.

"RaXi What the...?!" Xakiah started. I ignored her...zoning in on the presence within the castle...

"He's here...that child..." I muttered. "That's why...grrr...."

In a moment, I left Nyx and Xakiah to appear where he was. He rushed me. The boy named Anamx. Pulling on my cloak he began begging me in a flurry of words.

"Lexian and Triskix! You have to stop them!! RAXI PLEASE!!"

It was then that I saw them. Lexian was standing before Triskix...both had their weapons drawn. I crossed my arms. "No." I denied.

"WHAT!?" He shouted.

I analyzed the looks on Triskix's and Lexian's faces. Then I looked at Anamx. "This is something they must settle between themselves. I will not least not now."

Anamx fell to his knees in defeat, still clutching onto a piece of my cloak. I stood idly by...watching and waiting...

Kira: Ur such a keep THEM in line...then break the rules!
RaXi: Hey...YOU go through the PAIN I WENT THROUGH! Think Being a BERSERKER is EASY!!!!
Kira: o_o' whatever...I just think it's weird. Oh! Since you are all putting quotes from songs, hehe...try and figure out where mine is from! lol. I'll tell you...but you have to guess!

A cloud hangs over and Mutes my happiness,
A thousand ships couldn't sail me back from distress.
Wish you were here...I'm a wounded satellite.
I need you now, put me back together, make me right...
