Please...Make Me Forget...

"I knew it! What happened just then...our worlds are connected!" I reflected loudly pacing the room. "I knew those castles looked alike in more ways than one! They're linked! Damn that Xerebus!" Then I remembered the pair of eyes glancing at me with fear. Anamx sat against the window, perfectly silent and unsure of what to do. I stopped and approached him...he slid to the side slowly, wanting to keep his distance.

The moment the ceiling had started to crumble, I'd prepared my escape. Triskix had asked me to protect Anamx...but I had already moved to do just that. Not on his order...but because I needed to have a word with the boy. I'd grabbed him hastily and brought us Saix's quarters. Where I was SURE to have no intrusions. For none passed through the Proof of Existence...all of the nobodies in this castle feared that room.

"RaXi...are you going to yell at me too?" Anamx stumbled, his eyes still glowering with anxiety. "It's because...I broke the deal right?! I didn't mean to...just when I unlocked everyone else's memories...yours just sort of...slipped out with them too. I'm REALLY SORRY!"

I put my hand on his shoulder gently. He was among very few that I ever treated with such kindness. His purity though, was too overwhelming to ever treat him harshly.

"There is no need for you to fear me Anamx. I asked you to take those memories from me...and I shouldn't have...except for one." I started, looking him straight in the eye. Placing my hand where my heart should be, I closed my eyes. "This...must NOT be remembered. I need you to reseal must put this out of existence once more. I cannot fail him."

Anamx looked at me, his expression slowly taking on the look of a determined child. He was a teenager now...but I still remembered the him from a couple years back...he didn't seem to have changed much...except maybe he'd become more timid than before.

"I'll do it RaXi! But...I don't know how long you'll be out for..." He exclaimed.

"I won't be out at all. Not this time. Before I was weaker." I smiled. "I've recently gotten...much stronger."

He looked at me with doubt, but as I kneeled before him, he put his two fore-fingers to my forehead. He searched through my mind gently...I allowed him through all of my barriers. Finally he found it, and in a moment there was a flash of brilliant light. I fell back slowly, but caught myself. Slowly I stood up. The room was blurry as I stumbled to the window and leaned on it's cold pane. Anamx supported me slightly, looking up with a worried expression. I pushed him away, my eyes fixing themselves upon that MOON...It blurred...then slowly came into view. I hated the view of it from this room...


"I'm fine Anamx...I told you I wouldn't be knocked out this time. Just dizzy...Wait...why am I dizzy?" I mumbled.

Anamx smiled very slightly. "It's nothing RaXi." He sat back down against the window. "It's really beautiful...isn't it?"

"No." I denied flatly sitting next to him. "It used to be beautiful. The most beautiful moon in all the worlds. That is...until we learned of its truth..."

Anamx looked suddenly very sullen. "What's going to happen to me now RaXi? Serix WILL come for me...but I don't like him...I'd rather it be Marlex..."

"Marlex..." I mumbled. I wondered if he got out alright...I had been so....NO! He HAD TO HEAR IT! I could kill him...WOULD kill him... it was better this way. "I won't let you go back to him Anamx. Xerebus just wants to use you."

"I don't want to go back to HIM! That's why I want Marlex to come! For Tane..." Anamx suddenly fell silent. He slapped his hands over his mouth and wore a face that screamed he was hiding something.

Before I could investigate further I felt Triskix and Lexian return to the castle. As well as a few others, slowly forming and rushing around in various directions. I looked crossly at Anamx...I wanted to question him more...but I knew I had better check on Tris and Lex after their blow up. I had a feeling I would be needed to set this all straight. After all...I shared the same side as Lexian when it came to Axel...but Triskix...he'd had NO PART in that mess. I had to get that through to him somehow.

"Anamx stand up." I ordered harshly. "We're going to see Lexian and Triskix. I'm sorry, I would leave you here...but I can't trust that you'll be safe...not unless you are at my side. Do not leave it, understand?"

"You don't trust the people in this castle RaXi?"

"I trust no one." I stated coldly. "Those I DO trust...they needn't be burdened with a task I can handle myself. Just heed me and you'll be fine. Come."

I opened a portal to Triskix's room and we both stepped through. Triskix lay on the bed...Lexian in the nearby chair...both were totally drained...I couldn't tell if they were even AWAKE. The Leader was standing beside the window, gazing out and giving off a strange aura. He turned to face me quickly.

"RaXi." The Leader spoke, acknowledging my presence.

I ignored him and told Anamx to stay where he stood. Walking over to Lexian, I gently brushed back his bangs and placed my hand on his cheek. He was completely exhausted. I transferred some of my energy to least with this, he wouldn't be out very long. I turned and went to Triskix. Picking his hand off the bed, I held it firmly in the grasp of both my own.

"What are you doing RaXi?" The Leader asked...slightly impatient and irritated. I glared at him...signaling him to be silent. I then turned back to Triskix. "You should mind your own business...foolish woman."

"This is MY business...Be silent cur." I growled with irritation. Closing my eyes once more I focused and transferred some energy to Triskix. When I finished I put his hand back down gently and turned my attention to the Leader at last. "You can at least have the courtesy to keep your voice down." I lectured, my own voice low.

"The attack as you guessed was..." He began.

"A failure. I know. Our worlds are linked...that mission was naught but folly." I nearly laughed. "So what action shall we take now, 'O great and noble leader'?" I stated with sarcasm. I could feel his irritation with me growing...but I didn't care...I felt nothing but loathing for him at this moment. Rage that begged to be loosed upon him...but this wasn't the time or place.

He was silent. I walked back to Anamx and opened a portal to my room. "Very well then. I await your orders in the privacy of my quarters. Do send someone to get me will you? After you yourself have figured out our next move that is." I smirked and rushed Anamx through. I looked back at the two men who seemed so peaceful right now...and then I stepped through and into my room.

"What now RaXi?" Anamx questioned standing perfectly still. "That was your Leader...should you talk to him that way?"

"You've done well Anamx. Make yourself comfortable...I've a feeling we'll be here awhile. HE doesn't even know what to do now." I commented sitting in my chair.

Anamx walked over to the bed cautiously, no sooner had he layed down that he was out cold. All the stress he'd endured, I didn't blame him. Therefore, it was now my duty to guard him. Just in case Serix or Marlex DID come to claim him.

Kira: RaXi...what did you want Anamx to seal?? That was weird.
RaXi: If I told would take out all the excitement...but you know...I don't even remember now... =-='
Kira: DUH! Anamx TOOK IT! No...HID IT! Ugh, whatever...nvm. Heh, Triskix and Lexian are probably going to have chills now! rofl.
RaXi: Shutup...I just touched them for a minute...T.T'
--It's long because...I'll be gone all day Saturday! lol. I know you guys post a lot on the weekend XDD So, hope you all enjoyed it! See you all later!
