A Decision?

I covered Anamx with a blanket for good measure, didn't need him getting cold...and then returned to my seat in the corner of the room. I sat comfortably in my lovely velour covered chair. So comfortable in fact...I was beginning to fall asleep. Slowly, it began to take me...and then...there was a tiny knock. My eyes snapped open and I sat straight in attention.

"RaXi? I… I don’t want to interrupt and if you wish not to open the door it is fine, I’ll understand. I just wanted to know if you are okay, and to say sorry about… about everything. I should fight more. Tanex, he told me something… I mean...…” The familiar voice of Nyx explained, only slightly muffled by the door. “Are you okay RaXi?

"Enter." I directed in a firm tone. I hadn't locked the door...I rarely did. After all...any who dared to enter MY ROOM with malicious intentions... let's just put it this way...they were safer OUTSIDE and worlds away.

Slowly the door opened, followed by it softly being closed once again. Nyx came into view...she approached the bed...thinking it was me. "RaXi...were you sleeping? I can come back later..."

"Nyx." I spoke up. She snapped in the direction of me at once. I laughed lightly...for just a moment. "Did I scare you?"

"No! Not at all!" She shouted. Liar. I thought happily. "Who is this then...?" Slowly she looked at his face. "RaXi! That's...!"

I smirked and motioned her to be silent. "Allow the child his rest, and keep your distance...unless you want another memory so soon." I instructed. She backed away slowly. "What is it Nyx? What have you come to speak with me about?"

She fidgeted nervously. I knew almost immediately...she feared what my opinion of Tanex was. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry...I never fight and..."

"In your own time Nyx." I cut her off. "Not all of us are MEANT to be fighters. Sometimes it takes greater strength to stay your hand. I realize this...there is no need for you to apologize for who you are."

She smiled at me gently. Then gave me a serious expression. She'd decided to tell me something. "RaXi. Tanex wishes for us to return to him. He's warned me...once our memories have returned...we will have to make a decision. To stand with him...or against him."

I turned to the window and placed my finger to my lip reflexively. Sighing deeply...I tried to ignore the memories flooding me. That and the biting feeling...telling me our place was with those of the past. It was the path that made the most sense...the apprentices reforming and reestablishing the XIII. THAT was what I envisioned.

"I owe this man nothing Nyx..." I began. "However...I will not leave...not hand over Oblivion to him. This castle is OUR inheritance. Well, there's that and..." I stopped momentarily.

"And?" Nyx coaxed me, coming closer.

"And he has one more thing of value to us. Something perhaps greater than all the stone, mortar, and memories...He has Triskix. And we cannot be whole without him." I smirked. "Therefore...I will seize them both...out of his cold, fading hands if necessary."

"So you intend to return to Tanex?!" Nyx spoke quietly...as though trying to hide my intentions.

I gave her a sideways smirk. "I haven't decided that yet Nyx. Who knows? Maybe I'll seize power and reunite XIII under MY banner."

Her face went totally emotionless...I could tell she was trying to decipher whether I was serious or not...I didn't reveal that. How she would be torn...just who's side would she choose in such an event? I toyed with the thought in my mind.

I felt Triskix leave the castle and smirked. So then...Lexian should be paying me a visit soon...very well....

"Nyx. A favor please." I asked rising. "I know...I'm sorry for always asking so much of you...but I cannot leave this child alone and unguarded. You must watch over him until my return...if someone should come...anyone...even Lexian or Triskix...spike your power and let me know. I won't let him from my sight just yet...but there is a matter that demands my attention. Do you understand?"

Nyx recognized my countenance immediately. She smiled. "Count on me. Not even the Leader himself will enter without you knowing."

I grinned widely and put my hand on her shoulder. "Now that is what I like to hear! Very well then, I will return shortly."

I portaled to the Proof of Existence and waited patiently. It didn't take long...Lexian appeared and slowly approached. I could tell he was still slightly drowsy, yet he had come specifically following MY energy. No doubt Triskix or the Leader's order...to retrieve the child from my possession.

"Where's Anamx RaXi?" He questioned just as I'd assumed, trying his best to ignore the monuments around us.

I smiled gently. "In a safe place." I answered. "No need to worry about him. But Lexian. I think we need to talk..."

Please don't continue! Hehe, I have the conversation between RaXi and Lex going already.

But I don't mind you continuing with your POV Nyx! ^^
