
It was dark......and I was in pain....Every time I took a breathe my ribs screamed out desperately for death. I had to heal myself or I would fade....fade into nothingness and become part of the lost.....But....I didn't have the strength.....not any more.....

Lady Kyxsha, Lady RaXi, Lady Ny, Lady Xemmsur, Lady Rexikat, Lady Lilo......all the women I had met....as well as the guys....It was fun guys... I just wanted it to hurry up and end. I wanted to fade and have it all be over....but it was slow......but...I didn't want to fade....I didn't.....

I could feel blood leaking into my lungs at a constant rate that would soon drown me in my own blood. Was it going to seriously end like this? Man.......major suck........

I could feel a few approaching, and I let out a breath.

"Tamex....." I heard Aidex say.

I opened my eyes a bit.

"Mind helping me pyro?" I asked as a red buck came into view.

Triskix brought his head down and I felt a rush of fire energy run through me. I quickly started moving the blood and other liquids through my body and back to where they belonged. I took a breath in and everything was healed.

I sat up and got hugged on by Minx. I smiled.

Triskix looked at me sternly.

"Tamex, we have matters to discuss," he said.
