Settle the Grudge!

"We need to talk..."

No sooner had the words left my lips that Lexian looked up at me with a defiant glare. He analyzed though he KNEW what I wanted to talk about. Without a single word...he turned and started towards the exit.

"You know..." I spoke loudly...he stopped in his tracks. "I'm not one to interfere in the business of others. Because frankly...I don't care...and there's NOTHING to be gained by it."

"What's your point RaXi." Lexian asked...not even turning to face me.

"Look at it...Zexion's marker...along with so many others...falling into disrepair since we've been gone." I commented glancing down at the ice I'd placed in an effort to mend it. was beginning to melt away. Slowly I refroze it. "Why is Zexion's more mangled though? Almost as though someone did this..."

I got a reaction this time...he slowly turned...glancing back out of the corner of his eye.

I walked past Lexian, turning to then stand before Axel's marker. "You must hate him...don't you Lex? I did once too you know...and part of me still does...hates the traitor in him..."

"A Master like Pupil..." I heard him mutter.

"That's not so." I answered looking straight at him. ", not just him...but All of the Apprentices, You...and even myself...none of us had ANY part of what transpired. We were kept in the dark... blind until the very end."

"No...Triskix he..."

"Wasn't innocent. He was a traitor JUST LIKE AXEL....right?" I finished for him. I laughed. "He was just as much in the dark as I was. He didn't want to believe Axel was capable of such treachery. It didn't fit in with his Order...his unbendable organization. What did he say to you Lexian? He must've exploded at some point. Was it after Axel's death? Before?" As I questioned him, I came closer and closer. He wanted to avoid my eyes...but it was bothering him. He would break...he HAD to let it out. Perhaps clear himself. I could see the sweat on his brow....

"I'M NOT A FAILURE!" He suddenly exclaimed frantically...looking at me in desperation. As though hoping I would clear his name instantly...believe in him....console him.... "I didn't KILL ZEXION! I...I didn't know! I was too late...maybe I AM a failure...I should've been there to stop it...but...I didn't know..."

The more he continued to ramble on...about how he was a failure for not saving his master...the more I visualized the fall of Marluxia...of Saix. Anger started to rise within me and I let it out in a single slap. It echoed throughout the room and Lexian fell into a stunned silence.

"THEN AM I A FAILURE LEXIAN?!" I shouted. "Neither Xeros nor myself....We COULD NOT save him! Therefore have we been labeled thus?! FAILURES?!! Larxene, Saix, Vexen...they all died yet I could do nothing for them...nor their apprentices!"

Lexian started to think on this more. He began to realize...he was not the only one to have lost his Master...just because we couldn't stop it...didn't make us failures.

"Is that what Triskix did? Call you a failure?" I suddenly realized. Lexian looked at me with a face that screamed I'd guessed it. I started laughing...truly laughing so hard my stomach hurt.

"Stop laughing!" Lexian growled...a dark aura started to fill the room.

I huffed and tried to catch my breath. "No...really. I thought it was something...bad. I had NO two were squabbling over words said in anger!" I started laughing again.

"When you say it that make it sound stupid."

"It IS Lexian!" I confirmed. "Both of you didn't know what was going on at the time. What you DID didn't want to believe. And because your masters were on opposing sides...that is the side YOU were forced to take. Don't you see? You lashed out at each other...not because you meant what you said...but because you didn't know what else to actually DO."

Lexian fell silent again.

"Lexian...please. End this pointless grudge. I need the two of you. We ALL need you..." I emphasized. "Don't you want to help me Lexian? Help me free Triskix...Help me rebuild the it SHOULD HAVE been?"

His face snapped up and his eyes narrowed. "What?"

I smiled. "All in due time." I stated quizzically. I sensed Triskix return. He'd come back rather quickly...odd. "However, now is NOT the time. Triskix is back from his little escapade. Don't you think NOW is the time to bury the grudge of the past?"

"I guess so..." Lexian affirmed in a low tone.

"Don't worry. I'm coming with you whether you want me to or not. If Triskix starts something THIS time...I'll Ice him." I sneered.

"What about Anamx?"

"He's in a safe place I told you. Don't worry, I'll let the Leader and Triskix know my intentions...maybe." I verified opening a portal. "Coming?"

Lexian sighed and we walked through.

RaXi: Yes...though I did feel loathing for that I slightly admire him. He was always true to his nature...walking his own solitary path. Axel...that Baka. He betrayed Marluxia, and that blinded my eyes with rage...but it was not HIM to kill my Master...
Kira: You grew up! Grudges only get bigger the longer you hold on to them...seriously.
RaXi: Yeah...but part of me STILL can't let go...just the part that wonders what would've been...had Axel NOT betrayed Marluxia...
