
As the meeting finally began, I noticed the expression Triskix wore just "sitting" in Xemnas's seat. I smiled a bit...I swear....it suited him. That seat...It was where I'd always wanted him to be. Even as a kid...he was so smart and organized...MEANT for Leadership. I had the qualities of a Leader as well...yet I didn't carry one key trait...determination for the role. I had no desire to Lead.

He began to speak...and I closed my eyes in irritation as Xyta mouthed off to him right away. She hadn't learned...we all slightly laughed as Triskix threw his scythe at her...Saw that coming...

"You may talk, but keep stupid comments to yourself," He sneered crossly. "Don't defile the order with superfluous comments."

Xyta crossed her arms defiantly. As he started speaking again I portaled her up to my chair, making her sit on the side arm. "Keep quiet...or I'll ice your mouth shut again." I mumbled threateningly. She rolled her eyes...but kept her silence.

We discovered Ximh was to be married. I almost laughed...but kept it to myself. He had to do what he had to do...it was none of my business. Tamex was reported dead...slain as a traitor of the Organization. Yet what I doubted very much...was if the deed had ACTUALLY been done. This spurred from TRISKIX being sent to do it. I analyzed his face well...he had no sign of regret...no remorse. In fact...he was almost smug about it. I smiled. Tamex wasn't dead...this was a lie to be kept. I would find out more on the matter later.

Kyxsha was in a land of Dragons. Not TOO specific...considering there were MANY lands with Dragons. We would have to gather more SPECIFIC whereabouts.

Rexikat had been...CAPTURED? By another nobody no less? Pashnirix....that name held no significance to me. When had this happened...HOW had this happened? Rexikat wasn't one to simply WALK into capture...there was more to this.

"When was Rexikat last seen?" I stated aloud.

"After the attack on Citadel...I saw her leaving...but she never returned here." Lexian responded. Triskix nodded.

I deliberated a bit. Yes...I would look into this. I knew just who to ask...I'd find her quick enough. I just wondered if she was truly being held against her will...if her life was in danger...or if this was someone from her past.

"Very well. I propose we split into two separate parties to gather information on these developments." I started. "Nyx, you and Xemmsur should investigate Kyxsha's movements. Find out whether she has Truly abandoned the organization...and just WHAT she thinks she's doing. I think you should take Aidex along. She could learn something."

"Huh?!" Xyta spoke. "What do you mean? Aidex isn't..."

"Oh, don't YOU worry Xyta...you'll be accompanying me on my investigation of Rexikat." I smirked.

"Wait. So Lexian and I will be..." Triskix stammered.

"Staying at the castle with Anamx." I explained casting a firm look. "We can't all be out on assignment...plus...you two have some 'unfinished business'. Have you forgotten?"

"RaXi! I want to go with you or Nyx! I don't want to..." Anamx shouted standing up.

"Anamx!" I exclaimed, he fell silent. "You HAVE to stay in a secure place! This castle is fortified...somewhat. And as long as you are with Triskix and Lexian...I have no reason to fear you'll be abducted. I KNOW they won't hesitate to obliterate any who dare try and reclaim you...right?" I looked over at Lexian who smiled grimly, and Triskix, wearing his own cocky expression at the thought. I knew he was hoping Marlex would come.

"Alright then...sorry to spoil your moment in the spotlight Triskix...but I believe this is our best plan of action. Any objections...or anything to add?" I smirked...giving him the option to object it...the Leader's Veto.

