Carvahall, green grass, and... Dresses?!

"Nyx, you and Xemmsur should investigate Kyxsha's movements. Find out whether she has Truly abandoned the organization...and just WHAT she thinks she's doing. I think you should take Aidex along. She could learn something." RaXi told us.

"Huh?!" Xyta spoke up. "What do you mean? Aidex isn't..."

"Oh, don't YOU worry'll be accompanying me on my investigation of Rexikat." RaXi smirked.

It was nice seeing this… everything looked and felt so right. Triskix on the top throne, our leader. RaXi guiding us and pointing out the main facts that we have missed. Lexian throwing out sarcastic remarks at Triskix, with the two of them, getting along. Xemmsur sitting back and observing everything taking in every detail.

This is how meetings are supposed to go, with everyone’s thoughts taken in to consideration. When everyone is not tense and we are all relaxed. All we need now is the rest of the elite’s then everything would be in place. Aidex shifted in my lap when she heard her name and was currently sitting up looking around and over to her friend, Xyta.

Smiling I looked over to the other girl as well. They reminded me so much of the younger days that RaXi and I had shared, best friends threw it all. Porting down to the floor I turned to look at Xemmsur already there waiting for me. Smiling to her I set Aidex down and turned to see RaXi starring up at Triskix.

They are so much alike, I had to wonder at times if there was…

“Nyx should we go?” Xemmsur’s voice drew me out of my thoughts.

Turning back to her I saw that Aidex was still staring at Xyta. Putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder I steered her threw the portal that Xemmsur made. Smiling at my friends over my shoulder and how everything is beginning to a fall into place like the old days, and I promised myself that this time I would make it stay no matter what.

Walking threw the portal we came out at the edge of a small village. Looking to Xemmsur I noticed that in getting here we also had somehow changed our clothes. Xemmsur was in a baby blue dress with darker blue velvet down the middle of the dress. That held a floral patterned design in the velvet, and was surrounded by a light golden trim, with long dark blue velvety sleeves.

Looking down at myself I saw that I was in a dress as well. It had basically the same layout as Xemmsur, but the color was green where hers was baby blue, and red velvet instead of a dark royal blue. Xemmsur’s and mine Organization 13 cloaks had also turned into old medieval dark brown cloaks. Aidex’s blue eyes light up as she looked around this vast luscious green land that we landed in. She was in a simple but beautiful Carmine dress, with an light red, almost pink, tie vest for the top and long white sleeves.

“This must be where Kyxsha is. Wherever this is, but it is really beautiful isn’t it?” Xemmsur asked looking around the area.

“Yes it is. I guess this is where she is, but she’s moving around I can’t focus exactly were she is at.” I called out to Xemmsur closing my eyes trying to find the familiar energy again.

“Master Nyx! Master Xemmsur!”

Slapping my eyes open I turned quickly around but I didn’t see her, I swear that she was right next to us a minute ago. Franticly looking for Aidex I heard her voice once again, and heard Xemmsur called out father down the dusty path. Rushing down the dirt road I caught myself a couple of times before falling, tripping on the long green dress. Things past my mind and I could feel fear building. Fear that something had happened to the girl and that I didn’t protect her.

“Xemmsur! Aidex! What—“ Stopping in my tracks I saw that Xemmsur was standing in front of me next to a broken down wooden framed building. Looking past her I saw Aidex by a wooden fence, walking over them I called out to Aidex. “Aidex, are you—“

“I found it Master Nyx, Master Xemmsur! Look see!” Pointing up to the building I saw a old sign hanging from the bridge of the old roof that said, ‘Carvahall Blacksmith.’ Looking down I saw that Aidex was very proud of the sign she found and she smiled brightly. Smiling back at her I was glade that for the moment that she forgotten about not having Xyta around. Within a moment she ran back to the fence to pet a lone back pony that stood by the fence.

“This must be Carvahall. I don’t remember this at all Nyx, do you?”

“No. I don’t recall it.”

A man walking by us tipped his hat and continued on his way down the old road and into the small town. That was when I felt something off in the distance… “Kyxsha?” Walking over to the near woods I stopped and listened, and once more closed my eyes and this time I felt it. Opening a portal I turned around Xemmsur already was on her way over along with a smiling Aidex. “I think I found Kyxsha but I don’t think she is alone. Aidex…” Bending down to her level, which wasn’t that far down I never was the tallest, to tell her. “Stay close to Xemmsur just in case, k?”

Nodding she slowly looked down and played with the tie on her vest, then up to Xemmsur. She smiled down to the young girl, but looked at me curiously. Stepping threw the portal I braced myself for an attack from whoever was with Kyxsha, but she was the only one there. I began to worry more why she left and what would go down if she does say that she does.

"What's going on? Is there something wrong at the castle?" Kyxsha asked as a man walked out of the woods behind her holding two apples. ‘Guess he is not a threat at the moment.’ Keeping my guard up some, I saw from the corner of my eye Aidex slowly peek out from behind Xemmsur.

“No, not from what we know of. What we came here for is…” I didn’t want to say the word for fear of the answer. I wouldn’t fight Kyxsha, I considered her as my friend. No matter what the Leader or Triskix say, I wouldn’t hurt her.

Kyxsha… Are… Kyxsha.” Looking down at the ground I tried to figure out how to word these next words. Looking back up to her I called out, “Why do you wish to be called a traitor?”

Sorry it took so long Kill Sasuke!

